Reapers Rite

This Rod, forged with the sands of titans, the Raw magical power of the WMLT, and the stubborn reach of a demonic robot, grants the user power beyond mortal’s grasp, drawing it’s energy from the realms of death beyond

When attuned, This rod grants a +3 bonus to spell attacks and spell save Dc’s
Successful Spell attacks deal an additional 1d8 Necrotic Damage

Attunement to this artifact grants the following benefits:

This Rod has 16 charges, and regenerates 1d6 charges each dawn.

Reclaimed Vigor
Drawing on the vigor of those long gone, as an action, you can grant yourself or an ally within 30 feat temporary HP equal to 5 x Charges Expended

Rolling in their Graves
Consume 2 charges. As an Action, choose an enemy within 30 feet to roll a wis save of your spell DC. If they fail, the enemies next attack has disadvantage.

Reap Their Souls
Choose yourself or an ally within 30 feet. Using an action, you can consume 4 charges to add 4d6 Necrotic damage to the next attack they make

Returning the Favor
Death is unrelenting, and doesn’t take blows lying down. When an enemy lands a successful attack against you, you may expend 6 charges to use your reaction to take an attack, targeting your assailant.   Regenerating Pact
As an action, Expend 8 charges to regain a pact spell slot
Artifact, Spellcasting Focus, Requires Attunement
Base Price
Value: 8,000 Mercs
Raw materials & Components
Required Materials
+3 Rod of the Pact Keeper
Zodiac Sand 
2 WMLT Teeth  2 Autonazed Nanite Scraps


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