Revised Hook of Grappling

While attuned to this arm-mounted device, it cannot be removed from you against your will. The hook has 3 charges, and gains 1d2+1 charges at dawn. As an action while the attached hand is free, you can expend one charge and send the hook flying at one target within 60 feet. If you target a structure or the target is medium or larger, you are pulled in a straight line directly towards it, stopping right in front of it or at the first obstacle you collide with. Otherwise, it is pulled towards you in the same way. Additional effects depend on the target.

Structure / larger object: You travel an additional 5 ft in a straight line in the direction you were moving.

Small or smaller object: You may choose to catch the item instead of it ending up right in front of you, assuming you are able to hold it.

Creature: An unwilling target makes a dexterity saving throw (dc 16) to avoid the effects. You may immediately make one melee attack against the target with advantage if they fail.

Additionally, while attuned you can use it as a dagger with a normal range of 60 ft and no long range. It returns to you at the end of the turn.
Wondrous item, Rare. Requires attunement


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