Rod of the Corrosive Dragon King

While holding this rod, you gain a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your spells. Draconic King.

Your creature type changes to dragon, and you gain a +1 to your AC while unarmored, toughened scales crawling up and around your body

Acidic King.
This rod has 10 charges. When casting a spell that deals either cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can expend a charge to alternate that damage into acid for the spell’s duration.
Additionally, can expend charges to cast the following spells without components, which are automatically converted into dealing acid damage instead of their usual damage types.. Casting in this way uses your spellcasting DC. Fireball (2 charges) Lightning Bolt (2 charges) Chain Lightning (5 Charges) Cone of Cold (4 Charges) Ice Storm (3 Charges) Fire Storm (6 Charges) Plane Shift (6 Charges)
Additionally, whenever you take acid damage, you may as a reaction spend 2 charges and take no damage, instead healing half of the acid damage dealt.

You regain 1d6+1 charges every dusk

Pious King
This rod has 3 nodes at its midsection formed from scales, one from Bahamut, one from Julius and one from Tiamat. When you finish a long rest, you may select a node to empower the rod with.
You can cast either Shapechange (Exclusively into metallic dragons when selecting Bahamut, chromatic dragons when selecting Tiamat), or Time Stop (Julius) once per day, dictated by the node chosen.
Tiamat: Alignment turns to LE
Bahamaut: Alignment turns to LG
Julius: Alignment turns to LN

Lolrandom King
The Rod of the Corrosive Dragon King has the following random properties:
1 Minor Beneficial
1 Major Beneficial
2 Minor Detrimental
Artifact, Wonderous Item (Rod), requires attunement by a spellcaster with Draconic ancestry, features, or a pact to a Draconic being
Base Price
70,000 Gold
Raw materials & Components
Materials: 1 Rod of the Forged Corrosive King, 1 Narzen Spine


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