
Sangheili are physically imposing beings, typically standing more than a foot taller than the average human. They are vaguely reptilian in overall appearance, with leathery skin, digitigrade legs and sharp claws and teeth. Their large hands have two fingers and two thumbs. Their most distinguishing trait is their jaw structure, which is made up of four separate mandibles attached to their face.
  Sangheili are intelligent, agile, and extremely strong, and are often characterized by their bravery and honor.
  Ability scores: +1 dex +2 Str Due to originating on a high gravity planet with plenty of predators they have adapted to needing to be strong,
  size: they are medium size usually 7-9ft tall . Speed: They have a movement speed of 30ft walking speed
  Age: Hatching from eggs they are children for 20 years and young adults 21-30 years of age reaching maturity around the ages 35-40. Sangheili can live for up to 200 years on average.
  Language: Sangheili, Common
  Warrior Race: Sangheili are raised to know the art of weapon versatility from nearly birth. Sangheili are innately proficient in all martial weapons. Sangheili are given a weapon made from metals fought in battles won by their people when setting out on a journey for the first time. Add 1 Martial weapon of choice to starting gear. ( and 20 ammo if the weapon requires ammo to function)
  Martial skill: Sangheili are terrifying in combat. You may choose one fighting style of choice from the fighter, ranger, or paladin class


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