Shadow Walkers

Most dwell in dark caves but, there is a small amount of them that live out in the open little is known about them, other than their bodies adapt with their environment Alignment They are mainly neutral, it’s rare but, there are a few evil ones who tend to just like to cause chaos because they can.   Appearance. They look similar to humans but, their eyes are mainly unnatural colors
  Ability Score Increase. +2 dex and +1 wis   Age. Same as human until age 30, after that their body stops changing due to age, they normally live to about 140 years   Size. Medium, most about 5 and a half feet tall   Movement. 30ft   Darkvision. You gain dark vision out of 60ft, you can’t make out colors, only shades of grey
Step into the shadows In dim light or darkness, you can teleport into an unoccupied space within 60ft as a ba   One with the Shadows. At 9th level, while in dim light or darkness you can turn invisible as an action, this invisibility lasts until you take an action, attack or move into bright light   Subraces. There are 2 types of Kage and Su   Kage. Live underground mainly, they rarely come up to the surface without a reason, they are quite pale Shadow Hunters. You gain proficiency with Stealth or Survival   Shadowy walk. Starting at 5th level, While in dim light your walk speed increases by 10ft, while in darkness it increases by 20ft     Su. Mainly dwell on the surface, they have a lighter skin color   Hidden in Plain Sight. You are almost indistinguishable from a human, on an investigation check of 10+proficiency+Wisdom mod a creature can tell you aren’t human   Light Lover. Starting at level 5, While in sunlight you can use your action to refract light off yourself, all creatures within 30ft of you must make a con save, DC 8+proficiency+dex, or be blinded until the end of your next turn, this can be used once a long rest   Languages. Can speak read and write common, and 1 other language of your choice


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