Sparkling staff

This staff appears to be a mere branch, enveloping in its end a small amber orb. A creature can, as an action, touch an object with the end of this staff, after doing so. The object will begin to emit dim light in a 5 ft. radius from its center point. The effects dissipate after 10 minutes.

This branch has three charges, represented by three stems coming from the bottom end of the branch, using the branch consumes one of the charges. The Sparkling Staff recovers 1d3 charges per dawn.

The Sparkling staff can also be planted, after 5 days, it becomes a perpetual 10.ft radius light source for as long as it is in good soil.

"The first work of my school. An elve, a dwarf, and a human worked together to bring their first creation to light, so it can illuminate the lives of others."
  • Jonathan, master artisian
  • Rarity
    Uncommon, Wounderous Item
    Base Price
    250 Gold


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