Spell Fusion Core.

The spell fusion core has 3 charges.

You are able to spend one charge to combine 2 spells into one causing a different effect. When the spells are fused it takes both spell slots used and the 2 spells can not be the same. The wish spell also can not be used in a fusion.
If the fused spells are attempted to be counter spelled the person attempting the counter spell can choose which of the 2 spells they would like to count causing the remaining spell to go off normally.

You can choose fuse the spells as a primary spell and secondary spell; the primary spell is the one that acts as the base and is modified by the fusion and the spell has that casting time, and the secondary is the spell that is changing the primary.
You can also just fuse then without any such specification to have a unknown effect be produced where the dm chooses the casting time

The dm is in control of what effect is produced from the fusion and each fusion may not always replicate the same effect each time it is used.

At midnight of each day the ring recharges 1d4-1 charges.

Can not be crafted
Wonderous item, ring, legendary (attunement).


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