
Ability scores: STR + 2 CON + 1
  Age: Tarrasqueborn mature at the same rate humans do and live about 1000 years of maturity
  Alignment: Destructive and powerful, Tarrasqueborn tend towards Chaotic alignments
  Size: Tarrasqueborn average about 7 - 9 feet tall, your size is medium
  Speed: Your speed is 30 ft
  Language: Common and Draconic

  Tooth, Claw, and Tail: You can choose between piercing slashing and bludgeoning damage when making an unarmed strike, in addition you can deal 1d4 + 1 + STR mod damage when making an unarmed strike instead of 1 + STR mod.
  Destructive: You gain the Siege Monster trait.
  Strong build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  Tough Scales: At the end of a long rest you can gain resistance to one of the three: Non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage. This effect ends when you take a long rest.


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