The Hive Mind

Legendary, requires attunement   A lovely honey colored crown, that shines and sparkles, a beautiful magic item that suits just screams out royalty.
This item as 5 charges, as an action, you expend one charge to summon 1d4+1 (Giant Wasps) to serve you in battle, cause of course any subject would follow a ruler. You can also expend 3 charges to summon The Hulking Hive, a large beast that lives to serve the wearer of the crown. They will stay around for about 1 minute before they begin to disperse. You regain 1d3 charges every morning.
Whenever a bee or wasp like creature gets within 30ft of you, they must make a DC 19 wis save or be charmed by you, as they worship you like loyal subjects, following your every command that doesn’t cause them self harm. Every hour, they can repeat the save.


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