The Light of The Dead

Wondrous legendary item Requires attunement

A gold torch with skull engravings on the top rim and red and purple gems lining the side with a blue flame that burns out the top
The torch looking item is 9ft tall and 2ft thick on the top that gets thinner down the bottom of 1½ft
The fire is harmless to the touch
The natural effects of the torch without attunement are as follows:
•in a radius of 500ft 50 zombies will guard the the light
•the zombies are treated like they are wearing full plate Armor do not smell of death and if they are to die their bodies disappear instantly and come out the blue flame of the light
•all undead in the area have a 1/turn +3 hp regeneration

Up to 10 people can attune to the light at once
When attuned you gain a undead companion of ⅕ of your level or under of cr
The companion follows its own initiative and gains the following benefits:
•they gain the regeneration from the passive
•no matter the distance you can summon it to your location as a Action
•you can choose to kill your undead for 15 hp healed to
you or explode into a fireball of blue fire(use the fireball spell for reference with a DC of 12+proficiency) you can not summon your undead again for another minute
•if the undead is to die you can resummon the undead after 1 minute


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