The WMLT Docent.

The WMLT Docent is the entire brain of a Wild Magic Lich Tarrasque condensed into a magical metallic orb that is then inserted and connected to a construct. The magical powers and knowledge of the WMLT is stored and activated within the docent and granted to the attuner for their personal usage.

The WMLT Docent is a sentient item that has an Chaotic Evil alignment with an Intelligence of 20 , Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 30. It perceives the world through your senses. It communicates with you telepathically and can speak, read, and understand any languages it knows. Wild Lich Support: Once per Long Rest, the WMLT Docent can stabilize and revive you for 1 hit point if you end a round at 0 hit points, however, a wild magic effect occurs as well.

Additional Bonuses
You gain 120ft of Blindsight and a Fly speed equal to your walking speed.

Wild In Nature
Whenever you roll a d10000 Wild Magic Surge, you are allowed to know the effect before it occurs, and may swap it for it’s counterpart on the other table.

Magical Properties
The WMLT Docent has the following properties.

The WMLT knows all languages, including Netherese. If the WMLT Docent encounters a language it does not know, it can learn it after it hears or reads the language through your senses. Skills: The WMLT has a +20 Bonus to Arcana, a +11 to History and Perception, and a Passive Perception of 21.

WMLT Magic
The WMLT Docent uses your spell save DC and attack bonus. The WMLT Docent has 10 charges. The following list are of spells the WMLT Docent retained and can cast. It does not require any material components to cast these spells and can hold its own concentration, using your constitution saving throw for its concentration checks. It regains all charges on a long rest.

1st Level (1 Charge): Shield
2nd Level (2 Charges): Blur
3rd Level (3 Charges): Counterspell
4th Level (4 Charges): Dimension Door
5th Level (5 Charges): Wall of Force
6th Level (6 Charges): Disintegrate
7th Level (7 Charges): Reverse Gravity
8th Level (8 Charges): Power Word Stun
9th Level (9 Charges): Prismatic Wall
10th Level (10 Charges): Ascended Features

You can use your Bonus Action, to make it cast Chill Touch or Ray of Frost for 0 Charges. Additionally, you can spend 1 charge to cast one of your own spells without the need of Verbal Components.

One With The Tarrasque
Once you attune to this item, you cannot be forced to unattune to it without you or the WMLT Docent’s willing permission. Additionally, your race changes to a TVrasque, and stays that way even after unattuning.

Two Major Beneficial Properties
Two Minor Beneficial Properties
Two Minor Detrimental Properties
Two Major Detrimental Properties
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires two attunement slots by a Construct)


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