Tiara of Unholy Fangs

This circlet’s central band is made from a warped and stretched Ring of Free Action, and is dotted with the ends of fangs from the worst monsters of the world, all pointed towards the heavens

I come and go as I please!
While you wear this tiara, you are under the effects of the Freedom of Movement spell

God’s Favorite Monster-Slayer
You gain +1 to the spell attack rolls and save DC’s of your cleric spells. This bonus changes to +3 if the creature being attacked or making the saving throw possesses legendary actions.

Divine Right
You can speak and understand all languages, and as an action, you gain proficiency and expertise in the Deception and Persuasion skills for ten minutes, recharging on a long rest.

Curse of Superiority:
While attuned to this tiara, you want to be seen in all your unapproachable splendour by the world. You become immune to the Invisible condition, and have disadvantage on stealth checks. Why should you fear being seen?
Legendary Wonderous Item (Requires Attunement by a Cleric)
Raw materials & Components
Cost: 6,942.0 PP Materials: 1 Ring of Free Action, 1 WMT tooth (Legendary), 1 WMLT tooth (Legendary), 1 Winged T tooth (VR), 1 Forest Beast Tooth (Legendary


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