
Gargantuan Dragon (sharp class) lawful neutral A.c.: 11 weak natural armor Hp: 100 (10d20-10) Speed: 80ft flying speed 5ft walking Str: 22 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 3 Wis: 18 Cha: 7 Saves: Skills: stealth (+6) perception (+7) Damage resistance: non magical bludgeoning slashing piercing fire Damage immunity: Condition immunity: Languages: understands draconic but can’t speak Senses: passive perception 17 blindsense 10ft Cr: 13   Deathly fly by: while flying a timberjack ignores attacks of opportunity and when another creature would get a attack of opportunity on the timber jack while its flying the timberjack can make a wing attack on the creature   Actions: Multiattack: as an action the timberjack can make 2 bite attacks while on the ground or 2 wing attacks while its flying   Bite: +9 to hit 10ft reach on hit deal 2d8+6 piercing damage +1d8 fire Damage   Wing: +9 to hit 40ft melee reach on hit deal 8d8+6 slashing damage   Burning breath (8 charges per short rest): in a 50ft cone from the timberjack deal 6d6 fire damage with a Dex save of 11 for half damage but on a failed save they take full damage then at the start of their next turn they take 6d6 fire damage again with a dex save of 11 on a successful save they take half damage but on a failed save they take full damage and the cycle continues


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