Tome of Wither Blossom

This item has a maximum of 5 charges, they all recharge at the start of each dawn.
When you kill a creature of cr 1/8th or more with a spell this tome gains 1 charge.

Arcanum Scientia
You choose 5 spells in your class spell list you have those spells prepared without going against your spell prepared maximum.
You choose 2 cantrips in your class spell list you know those cantrips.

Wither Blossom
When a creature fails a saving throw against a spell you cast or you hit a creature with a spell attack roll you may spend charges to mark the creature with a Wither rose for 1 minute. Amount charges determine which wither rose grows. Multiple instances of wither rose can affect a single creature at once each using their own time.
(1 Charge) Black Wither Rose
(2 Charge) Red Wither Rose
(3 Charge) White Wither Rose

Black Wither rose:
Legendary effect
All undead are immune to effects Black Wither Rose.
At the start of the creatures turn its max hp decreases by 1, This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The creature dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Damage creature takes increases by 1.

Red Wither Rose.
Effects of Black Wither Rose.
At start the creatures turn it takes cumulative -5 Speed until the rose is gone.

White Wither Rose
Effects of Black and Red Wither Rose.
At start creatures turn it must make Charisma save against save Dc or take cumulative -1 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws until rose is gone.
If the creature dies while under effect white Wither Rose rises at start turn as a Wither Rose bush.  

made by Mercury and HD
Legendary Tome (requires attunement by a spell caster)


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