
PREREQUISITE: Construct attuning to WMLT Docent alter their race to this

The result of a Shapit combining with the magical power of a Wild Magic Lich Tarrasque. This hybrid displays the power of both modern technology and ancient magic.

ASI - One +2 and One +1 or Three +1s

Size - Medium, your average height is between 3ft - 4ft

Languages: You know Common, Draconic, and one more of your choice.

Mechanized Monstrous Nature: You don’t need to Eat, Drink, or Breath. You also don’t need to Sleep, and Magic cannot put you to Sleep. Your Creature Type is Construct.

Terrifying Firewall: You gain Resistance to Psychic damage.

Memory Relay: You can relay a memory on your screen for others to see.

Naturally Destructive: You gain the Siege Monster Trait.


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