Vallis-Laeta Kaleidoscope

This prismal trunk device consists of tri-sectional mirrors that form a colorful view and resemble the conventional visual toy, but it was designed with a unique purpose.

While holding the kaleidoscope, the creature may choose to picture the image of a specific plane of existence or location which they are familiar with, either by accurate description or memory.

When the creature peers into the kaleidoscope, they will see a beautiful light pattern resembling a prismatic structure. The structure will then transform into a view of the plane or location of their choosing, limited by the user's vision range. If a plane was chosen but not a location, the view is granted at a random location in said dimension.

Alternatively, the creature can instead choose to bring a light source towards the end of the kaleidoscope, creating rays of concentrated light, which recreate a 10 ft. radius virtual view of the original point of view for the kaleidoscope.

A creature with true sight can tell they are being watched through the kaleidoscope.
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