Warp Gate

Copyright AutomaTech Manufacturing ----------------------------------------

"An empty archway 10 feet in diameter that can link up with any other Warp Gate at the press of a button. Perfect for instant fast travel!~"
"Warp Gate appearance can be customized to suit purchaser preferences. AutomaTech Manufacturing takes no responsibility for potential harm or loss of life resulting from improper use of the Warp Gate. User discretion is advised."

A creature can spend their action to activate the Warp Gate as long as they are in physical contact with the archway. Once activated, the Warp Gate links up with another Warp Gate rune chosen by the activating creature on the same plane of existence as it and forms a portal of swirling mist constrained by the archway, linking the two Warp Gates together. The Warp Gate when activated functions identically to the Arcane Gate spell with the following modifications: A) The portal has unlimited range, B) The portal lasts for the full 10 minutes unless deactivated as an action by the activating creature, and C) The portal is contained within the archway and cannot be rotated, though it can be activated from either side. A Warp Gate can only be linked with 1 other Warp Gate at a time.
Wondrous Architecture, Legendary
Base Price
Cost to Construct: 2,500 platinum, Legendary Material


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