Wind-Rider Saddle

Magical Item: Uncommon
Exotic Saddle for Winged or Flying Mounts
This Saddle Tack and Harness is Specially customized for Flying Mounts.
A Sigil of the Air Element is enchanted into the Leather of the saddle, providing the Rider with a Small 5ft whirlwind of protection while in flight. The whirlwind that protects only the Rider, dissipates gases and fogs (of both Mundane and Passive magical Nature) that would otherwise affect or obscure them. Lightweight projectiles like arrows and Spears have disadvantage to target the rider.
Medium: 20lb. 45 GP.
Large: 40lb. 100 GP.
Huge: 80lb. 225 GP.
Gargantuan: 160lb. 450 GP.


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