
Woff CR: 1/4

Large monstrosity, neutral good
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 92 (7d10+56)
Speed: -2 ft , can hover


4 -3


15 +2


27 +8


1 -5


8 -1


5 -3

Skills: persuasion +3
Damage Vulnerabilities: magic piercing
Damage Resistances: non-magical bludgeoning slashing piercing
Condition Immunities: restrained prone
Senses: passive perception 9
Languages: Understands Auran but can't speak
Challenge Rating: 1/4

Helium filled: The Woff has a carrying capacity of 850 lbs. In addition, when it dies it pops, needing any holes or crevices to be patched up before revival, and causing all creatures within 5 ft to make a dc 10 str save or take 1d6 nonmagic thunder damage and be knocked prone


Soft bump: +5 to hit on hit the target has disadvantage on saves against charm by the woff's allies until the start of the target's turn from the soft cushioning of its fur   Charming look: 1/long rest one target within 30 ft that can see the woff has to make a dc 10 wis save or be charmed for 3 rounds or until the woff or one of it's allies deals damage to it


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