Eyeless Ward Tradition / Ritual in Seleim | World Anvil
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Eyeless Ward

The Eyeless Ward, also known as the Sightless Oracle Rite, is a ritual used to keep evil spirits and chaos away from a home, person, or activity. Ahooai is a god from Tekel and the patron of oracles, ritual magic, and duty. He is the son of the war goddess, Raesay, and the god of peace, Braet, along with being the older brother of Chi, the goddess of children and spring. His eyes were lost when he attempted to follow Clohdus, the god of chaos, due to his curiosity regarding what the entity did when away from the main pantheon. This resulted in Clohdus gouging his eyes out. Ahooai's other senses and magical ability increased to compensate for his lack of sight. Since this, the two have been seen as adversaries, with Ahooai allied with Padka, the god of fate and order.   Evil spirits and chaos are considered negative influences in someone's life and during various activities. Clohdus is seen as responsible for this. However, his role as an evil entity in and of himself is debated among Tekel practitioners.    In practice, the Eyeless Ward is a piece of cloth, generally silver to match the strip worn by Ahooai, and decorated with a circle slashed by a horizontal and vertical line. The result is a target-like shape that is meant to accurately perceive evil and make it unseen by destroying it. When used on a person, the cloth is tied to a part of their body or clothing or placed in a bag. For activities, the cloth is flown somewhere near where the activity is taking place.    Making the cloth holy can be done by any person with the ability to draw the symbol and use less than alchemy level magic. The cloth must be frayed or otherwise attacked at the ends, either through increased chaos or the use of an essence. The slight fray and subsequent whole cloth is used to represent Ahooai's triumph over his attempted murder and his mastery of magic.


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