Eurus, behind the East wind

Traditionally, the East wind is thought to bring bad, or at least very intense, weather. Sailors will generally mutter a prayer to Bahamut/Navit Cupert any time the wind shifts to blow from that direction. The land of Eurus itself, though, is a remarkably calm archipelago far to the east (of course), of any trade routes or known areas of the sea, or as the bards would have it, where the sky meets the sea.


According to legends, and the few travellers who have found themselves there, whether by chance or purpose, the archipelago of Eurus is either in, or about a thousand mitres above, a startlingly calm sea. Either way, the twelve or thirteen (stories vary) islands are home to lofty peaks and skies full of birds. An abundance of fresh water is found in streams running from springs high in the peaks and mountain lakes.


In addition to the calm sea, there are no reports of a wet or dry season, or any season at all, apart from a mild summer. It is unknown whether it is truly always summer in Eurus or if travelers have only been able to visit in the summer. Some scholars believe that Eurus is literally behind the East wind, so there is no variation in climate, while others believe the East wind blows all inclement weather away from Bahamut's abode.

Fauna & Flora

Eurus is populated largely by birds of all sorts, and bird-like creatures, such as the Karura and Harpies. The islands bear an assortment of tropical fruit-bearing plants which feed the bulk of the inhabitants, though the meat-eaters have to make do with fish and carrion. The karura and harpies are both thought to have originated from the realm of Air, and some few have made their way to the other areas of Selestya, but their civilizations, such as they are, are here. The karura worship Bahamut primarily and call him Chikurra.
Type: Gate

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