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Elemental Plane of Earth

The Elemental Plane of Earth is an Inner Plane containing many huge gems and ore deposites. This Plane is an infinite expanse of solid matter pocketted by bubbles of other elements and riddled with fissures and tunnels created by burrowing creatures or the occasional mining operation. Solid does not imply stationary: the substances of this plane are constantly moving in a slow, grinding motion punctuated by earthquakes from small tremors to massively violent upheavals. Air can be found in scattered pockets but unbreathable gasses are also present—unprepared travelers are fairly likely to either slowly asphyxiate or be crushed. Other pockets of magma, water, ooze, dust, or ash are particularly dangerous for miners if they accidentally breach one. No light exists in the Plane of Earth except for rare luminous gems buried in the crushing darkness.
Plane of Existence
Location under


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