Sendris e'vana World History Timeline
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World History

The Age of Heroes

0 - 1398 AH

The next age was marked by larger-than-life individuals who wielded magic to impress their will on the world. It was a time of great riches and magic, but filled with war and bloodshed as great enemies were slain by the hands of these heroes.

The Quiet Age

0 - 4016 QA

The Third Age, also known as the Quiet Age, began with the formation of Sendris E'vana into the federation of city-states we know it to be today. This age also saw the steady waning of magic until it became a very rare, almost mythic occurrence.

  • 3503 QA

    3512 QA

    The Great Goblin Wars
    Military action

    In this nearly decade-long war, bands of goblins wreaked intense destruction across the north of Sendris E'vana before being driven back to the wild forests and mountains at the Spine of the World.


0 PE - The Future

The Day the Earth Shook marked a change in the world forever. Aside from all the death and dismemberment, weird and (dare we say it?) magical things started happening across the nation with a growing frequency. Clearly, it was time to mark a new era in the timeline.

  • 0 PE

    17 Eleasis

    The Day the Earth Shook
    Disaster / Destruction

    On this day that changed history forever, the sky turned an unearthly red, orange, and turquoise as tremors were felt across the nation, damaging buildings, disrupting wildlife, and for some, forcing them to flee their very homes. Mount Hotenow violently erupted, killing thousands, wiping out entire towns and estates, destroying much of Neverwinter, and leaving in its wake a great, gaping chasm that split the city.

  • 14 PE

    24 Mirtul

    The Long Shot Begins

    Our heroes set out from Neverwinter to deliver a cart of mining supplies to Gundren Rockseeker in Phandalin.