Rosstawa Landing Settlement in Sentirum | World Anvil
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Rosstawa Landing


Half-Orc (51%), Elf (23%), Half-Elf (11%), Tiefling (7%), Halfling (2%), Human (2%), Dwarf (1%), Tabaxi (1%), Gnome (1%), Dragonborn (1%), all others (<1%)


The village of Cowall owes taxes and is under the protection of the Holy Trynnien Empire  by proxy of Commander Kurlik. While the village falls under the laws of the Holy Trynnien Empire, the locals often continue the worship of their chosen spirits. The village more often than not defers to the guidance of the village Elder Astana  over the laws of the empire.


The village is surrounded by simple wood and earth walls, on the north, south and western flank and the ocean to the east. 13 trained warriors serve in the village's defense, and a militia of 169 can be mustered in case of attack.

Industry & Trade

Rosstawa Landing is used as the primary port for good heading north from Trynn and Trinata, turning the once quite seaside village into a bustling port. The primary export is a special type of Wojeki ale, that has caught the fancy of Trynnien lords and ladies. They also trade in cheese and other dairy product made locally. Their primary import is grains. ore and glass.


The village is built around a small port that is built over the water, using bridges and piers to tie boats and other watercrafts. The center of the village is paved with stones but the rest of the roads heading out are simple dirt paths.


  • Tavern: The Cheerful Doe
  • Blacksmith: The Mithril Furnace
  • Alchemist: Roots and Kiss
  • General Store: Naal's Bazaar
  • Cruck House
  • Small Cottages and traditional Wojeki homes.

Guilds and Factions

The wojeki tribal leaders are in constant conflict with the tax collectors, guards and missionaries of the Holy Trynnien Empire , often leading to non-violent conflict and minor skirmishes. History


Rosswala is the ancestral homeland of the Gultig tribe, the place where the spirit of creation blessed the people with brilliant minds to create and discover. Guided by their muse they built this village on the shoreline to serve as a central distribution point for the Wojeki people. Here they created tools for the Sika, weapons for the Valok, ships for the Albastan, and saddles for the Sukro. Now assimilated into the Holy Trynnien Empire Rosswala is a larger port village, used primarily to transport goods from Trynn  and Trinata  to First Light and Kurlik's Pass. Less and less m has occurred here since the war 70 years ago, since the traditional methods require commune with outlawed spirits.

Points of interest

  • Gultig's Anvil - A large stone slab near the center of village thought to be the worksite of the ancient Wojeki smiths.


The newer constructions are mainly one- or two-story wooden buildings, packed with mud and other bindings. Older construction here is made of brilliant white stone pulled from the Vaulted Highlands in ages long past.
 The tavern is a wooden two-story building, with a small, fenced yard and softly blowing chimes by the door. It contains a small bell over the door and tightly packed tables and chairs.
 The smithy and general store are timber framed cabins, with a brown shingled roof and shiny hardwood floors. The apothecary is housed in a stone building made of the brilliant white stone, with several shuttered windows.


The coastline makes up the majority of the village with a small gap between the docks and village proper. To the north and southwest lies the great woods of the Wojeki.

Natural Resources

Herbs and spices are cultivated in traditional gardens used into production and fermentation of the Rosswalan ale. Saltwater fish can be found off the coast, but the increased naval traffic has caused the local fish population to dwindle.
Founding Date
460 AD
Alternative Name(s)
The Cradle of Creation, The Font of Formation
1,026, Size: 33 acres
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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