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Gathering of the Spirits

Mythology & Lore

A universal and old religion: there is no place in Sentius that does not worship and respect Eldath. In the early years of Sentius's history, this goddess walked alongside morals on the Material Plane, long before the kingdoms we know today had been established. After she introduced magic into the realm, she departed and returned to the Astral Plane, where she remains today. She still frequently communes with her followers and is regarded to be a universally kind and loved deity. The name "The Gathering of Spirits" is in reference to her blessings of unity and congregation between souls. Places of worship are known as a House of Eldath or "House", "Home", or "Gathering" for short.

Divine Origins

The origins of the faith are lost to time, having been founded ages in the past. Followers still uphold Eldath's words and keep up with her teachings to heal those in need.

Tenets of Faith

The book, The Ardor of Spirits, guides priests of Eldath on their journey in service of others. The tomes are collections of spells and stories told by Eldath herself from her time upon The Material Plane.
Ultimately, nature is Eldath's true home, and where followers feel closest to her. Many drawings and artwork depicts a tall woman wreathed in ivy with a crown of autumn leaves and a belt made of cherry blossom. Her priests wear green with golden stitches to signify her love binding them together. A devout follower or priest might wear an emerald green leaf as a pendant or brooch.


A High Priest of any Gathering is nominated and then appointed by other residents within the Gathering. They act more of a mouthpiece or a face that people can turn to when problems arise; actions and responses to conflict are not decided by one person within the Gathering, but as a group.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Each kingdom has a major House of Eldath that is reserved for the ill and wounded. There are smaller Houses scattered across all of Sentius but the major Homes are places where communation with Eldath comes the easiest. Priests of Eldath are skilled healers and are respected by many. These Houses are rooted in healing and blessing others, often a place for reflection, meditiation, and finding peace within oneself.

The Blessings of Nature

Founding Date
Circa 3900 of First Age
Religious, Organised Religion


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