BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 16: Preliminary Research

General Summary

June 19, 2023
  After arriving safely in Morse, you spent the day talking to various townsfolk about the comings and goings of the latest gossip and details about Sabrandom. A statue of Smithe Aludin - fondly referred to as The Protector by inhabitants - towered over the center of town, its inscription painted over and red eyes painted across its shield and armor. You spoke with Otep, a friendly old woman who apparently is a wonderful baker who talked about the ruffians known as the Holy Rapture of Rockshambo. She also advised that you stay away from the neighboring kingdom, The Vale, as it is dangerous with the outbreak of the draconic plague. As you requested more information about the club she irritably wove you off to the library–the Guardians’ Athenaeum–where she referenced Atrix, the librarian, with a parting gift of rhubarb pie. While there, you successfully used the pie against Atrix and won them over. Pulling them aside, they filled you in on all that they knew about demon lords and the Underdark, even providing you with their annotated copy of Demon Lords: What Was Their Deal? That you could keep as a reference and learn more from if you chose to read it. You gained valuable information about demon lords, Theo even questioning Joan’s trustworthiness at one point when you learned that she might be Loth’s acolyte, and knowledge about the mysterious cult known as the Holy Rapture of Rockshambo and their dealings with Morgoth, the king of demon lords. You also walked off with some additional supplementary books: Fen found a book on the Underdark titled Lights Out! What There Is to Know About the Underdark and a travel guide titled The Sights and Wonders of Sentius; Thorns successfully hid Learning Colors With Fin! between a volume about swords and weaponry titled The Pointy End and Its Uses and one about magic called The Arcane Arts and Theo pocketed Training Dragons by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Fairy Garden, a pop-up book which Joan promptly damaged on accident. Atrix advised you to seek their former mentor, Esoti, who is a lead librarian at the Grand Athenaeum at The Radiant Keep - Sabrandom’s capital - where scholars publish and keep research and philosophical writings. You then split the party where Daisy and Theo went to visit Mayor Tim Timmothy, someone that Otep and Atrix were rather unhappy with, while Fen, Thorns, and Joan went to visit The Chubby Termite. Inside, a large automaton termite served you while you talked to Izor, the bard satyr. He told you that he was the mastermind behind constructing the hyper-realistic machines and automatons but his husband, Alonzo—who remained unseen—was the crafter and smith for these projects. He gave you his two cents on Mayor Tim and the disjointedness between followers of the Protector and his own theories about the cult and their dealings with Morgoth. Theo tried finding new information about their mysterious mansion by talking to Mayor Tim, who instead saw them as a bothersome home-owner looking for real estate. He suggested reading The Sights and Wonders of Sentius to aid in their search. With a cordial “fuck you” before shaking hands and failing to steal Tim’s termite paperweight, Theo and Daisy left none the wiser. Deciding to make your way to The Radiant Keep, you left town and made your way down the wooded path through the forest. Not too far into your journey, you were stopped by a stone giant by the name of Froom. He told you that he would not let you pass until you helped him obtain the feathers of the death rite (dire?) birds that he uses to make buff potions. You tried debating unsuccessfully with him and eventually gave in to his request. You spied an enormous bird’s nest that occupied a branch 360 feet above your head and saw two of said birds with iron blades between their long, curved talons.


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