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Session 19: Mimicry

General Summary

August 9, 2023       After clearing out the dining room on the first floor, you entered the servant’s entrance in the back of the manor where upon investigation, a mimic in the form of an armoire attacked Thorns. Thorns attempted to throw the armoire to the floor where it just moved its face and continued its attack at you. Theo set the mimic ablaze and Fen stood astride the creature before plunging their blades into the mimic, ending the brief skirmish. Ascending the stairs was a different story. In the library, there was a breeze blowing despite the windows being closed. Thorns was deeply distrusting of the decorative armor scattered around the room and attacked them until he struck one of the two sentient suits of armor. A fight broke out where the air elemental also made its presence known. The party held its ground against the toughest fight of this campaign where we had Daisy, Theo, and most importantly, the unnamed Crocodile rolling death saves at one point. Thorns remained standing even as he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness several times. Fen got Daisy to her feet who began attempting to heal the rest of the party. Theo had been knocked unconscious when they saw the air elemental about to attack the Crocodile, taking the full force of the damage that would most definitely have killed it before Daisy made her way over to Theo and stabilized him. Thorns landed the killing blow on the air elemental and fanned the remains of its wispiness out of the air. Staunching their wounds for a quick breather, the party rested and took note and interest in the nearby door that had remained closed the entire duration of the fight. Thorns, ever so stealthily donned the ring of invisibility and crept carefully and quietly over to the door and promptly ripped the door from its hinges where it slammed into the ground. Nothing stirred from inside. When Thorns entered, he found himself face to face with an old friend he never thought he would see again. Fern. The two exchanged pleasantries and shared a heartfelt moment together before Fern brought his blade up and stabbed Thorns. Hearing nothing from within the room, Fen, Daisy, and Theo entered themselves to investigate. Fen entered the space and found herself separated from Theo and Thorns, but at least had Daisy with her. While Fen searched for a means of escape, Daisy lounged and urged Fen to calm down. As she attempted to center Fen, Daisy reached up and clawed at Fen, causing them to bleed. Theo entered the study and found themselves face to face with Varlog, who they had left behind in Ceres after the battle against Lord Godfrey Savill. Seeing Varlog gravely injured, Theo gave him one of his health potions, fixing his wounded form up. The two old friends caught up, telling tales of how stressful the world is and how everyone’s expectations for their greatness could be so overwhelming before Varlog brought his axe up and attacked Theo. Split from each other, the party faced a creature that Thorns learned was a mimic tear which took the form of someone its victim had a close connection or strong feelings for. Using this against its prey, it cast a barrier to trap each of you within that Fen and Theo struggled to escape from. When talking to Fern, Thorns learned more about the mimic tear and how it operated as they repeatedly exchanged blows and attacks. In the meantime, Theo and Fen used a magical darkness and thaumaturgy to distract their forms of the mimic and tried to get out. Fen was able to break the barrier with a well-placed blow and jumped from the window to the ground floor of the manor. Theo attempted to escape up the fireplace where they became stuck and unable to budge the barrier, even with a mage hand. Theo also had incapacitated Varlog after they had discarded the friendship bracelet that Varlog had given them through an exchange of letters a month ago. Thorns managed to defeat the mimic tear, effectively dissolving the barrier to the study where a wounded Daisy was revealed, alive after her own encounter with the creature. Thorns filled you in on what he had learned from the creature and though weakened in terms of health, you felt your resolve and strength grow (you leveled up).
Report Date
29 Dec 2023
Secondary Location


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