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Session 20: Reclaiming the Manor

General Summary

August 23, 2023       Ascending the stairs, you encountered what Joan confirmed to be a door at the end of your path. Not wanting a repeat of the mimic tear in the trophy room, Thorns let Fen and Joan take the lead where Fen identified a trap wire that ran from the handle of the door. Not wanting to take any risks, Theo opened the closest door on their right (our left) to reveal a camel chilling in a bedroom. Wary, they tossed a piece of jerky into the room to bring Rockin’ Croc’s attention to it and to sus out the situation. He did, and promptly attacked the camel where the two engaged in a bloody, fanged duel. In the meantime, Theo opened up the next door at the end of the hall and saw a floating sword and a banshee hanging out in another painter’s bedroom. As they turned away, the banshee took notice and followed him from the room. Two fights happened simultaneously where Fen, Theo, Joan, Daisy, and Thorns from afar battled the sword and the banshee while the croc and camel tussled in the room next door. As that fight resolved itself, Fen vanquished the sentient aspect of the sword and inspected its unique design and Thorns acted as a firefighter and extinguished two instances where flames broke out in the manor. Just as he did, the banshee emitted another hideous wail which caused Fen, the Rockin’ Croc, Thorns, and Joan to fall unconscious and to roll their own death saves. Theo catapulted a sword at the banshee before Daisy took a knee, murmured a prayer, and brought everyone back up to 21 hp. Back to her feet, Fen took her blade and decapitated the rotting corpse of the banshee and the party took a moment to rest and regain their strength.
Report Date
29 Dec 2023
Secondary Location


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