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Session 28: Killing Dream

General Summary

December 21, 2023
  Reentering the city was more difficult than you expected it to be. With the city on lockdown and the sudden reappearance of you, supposed strangers was a shock to the guards. With some convincing, Duncan left his brother, Duunuts, to watch the gate while he escorted you toward the Prismatic Cathedral. Along the way, Theo heard the sounds of hostile voices and violence down an alleyway and slipped on their ring of invisibility to investigate. They saw a dryad woman getting attacked by four figures wearing the same velvet tunics and mouthless masks. He cast magic missile on the group and drew the attention of the rest of his party. Fen ran over to help, and got stunned by a diviner in their midst before Thorns and Duncan joined the fight. Theo tried to help Lillian, who was overburdened with the stress of being alive and wanting to get to safety. Eventually, Thorns and Theo managed to kill three of the cultists and Fen grappled the remaining one, who angrily and reluctantly helped you from there on. The guard left you and escorted Lillian to safety and Thorns and his son, Greg had a heart-to-heart before they said goodbye, Greg not wanting to see any more violence. Thorns promised to visit him with a gift after his adventures and to say “hi” to Greg’s mom. From there, you made your way to the Radiant Cathedral, where you met with the Eternal Diviner once more. He told Theo that Margot Sarven would be of help to them regarding the malignant stone that they carry but warned the party to not mention that name to the High Priestess Repose, her sister, due to sensitive family matters. After sending your SOS message for help, he was upset with you for bringing a cultist into his cathedral but allowed you to play a game of “hot or cold” around the space to point out where the secret entrance lay. After defiling a grave, attempting to pray or find a god, and threatening to put the captive inside of the open sarcophagi, Thorns killed him after locating the switch at the sole of the statue’s foot. In his pocket was a pendant of a skeletal hand closed into a fist with the word “saxom” written beneath it. The Diviner was furious, and said that he would be there tomorrow “to help The Protector, and not you”. As you went to take a short rest, you saw him burring the cultist member in the graveyard, next to his friend (which you lied to him saying that you could resurrect). In your dreams, you were visited by Smithe Aludin, old family members, or visions of the past. In the morning, after waking up in one big bed after a slumber party, you debriefed on your focus to save your friends and to break the chains binding and restraining The Protector. Back in the basement, an angry Diviner ignored you entirely but was on the lift beside you and Durand Whitfoot, Captain of the Guard, with two of his soldiers, ready to fight with you. And the elevator began to descend.


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