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Session 30: Uncovering the Truth

General Summary

January 21, 2024     As the fighting ended, the party immediately turned to Nafni and Grima–the wyrm riders who came to their rescue. It turns out that as riders of Onren, where the draconic plague is nonexistent and they have no knowledge of the outside world. They had caught wind of your location from Moonshine’s whispers and seeing the brilliant blue light of a communicator. They revealed to you that their leader, King Berggandr, has not been himself and is on a mission to destroy Morgoth—even at the cost of taking Sentius down with him. After that, you found Smithe and The Diviner furiously making out before The Eternal Diviner who yelled at you before flying away, never wanting to see you again. Smithe Aludin who stayed and rewarded you for your efforts. He blessed Thorns with a means of protecting himself; Fen with the ability to protect others; and Theo asked for something else. Smithe then gave them his own personal blessing and bestowed some of his power to Theo. He was asked about his knowledge of the Tablet of Fyre and while he was unsure, he advised the party to start where they were familiar; for that is where they would draw true strength. He also told Theo to call upon him when they made it to the Underdark, promising to guide their blades when the time was right. He then disappeared in a brilliant light to survey his kingdom once more. Durand then departed to update Roslyn on what was discovered and Thorns picked up on hushed whispers behind him. He was confronted with the last survivors of The Holy Rapture of Rockshambo, where the stakes were drawn to determine if the party would let them go, or kill them. Playing to the best of one, Creed won. Thorns demanded double or nothing–Creed rose the stakes saying if they played best of three, the party would have to join them in number. Matching each other for hand sign to hand sign, Fen caused the ground to tremor with thaumaturgy and Thorns got the edge on Creed, having wagered more gold than he truly had. He won again and demanded the group cast aside their masks and leave this place. Creed obeyed, as did the others, and they faded into shadow. Getting ready for take off, Grima explained the route: to head east, make pit stops for clothes and breaks and make a stop in Midsor for supplies. Then, using the caves and the power of the wyrms, you would make your way south to Kipsea before reaching the Port of Eru to guide your way to New Elfington. While thinking of how much Joan would’ve loved seeing the Ritual of Posterity and blinking away some tears, you sailed back into the mountains once again.


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