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The Church of Protection

Mythology & Lore

The basis of this relgion is rooted in the belief that Smithe Aludin keeps the threat of the dragons at bay and as long as an Aludin resides on the throne of Sabrandom. Followers practice a doctrine that revolves around protecting those that they love and in service to be better to each other. The general population lost faith in the religion and royal line upon Morgoth's return---a failure of one of The Protector's promises---but faith has grown strong once more after his return, hope blossoming once again in a time of need.

Divine Origins

While Smithe was revered and loved by many during life, the religion did not fully spread and blossom until 4918, when he died. Some still worshiped him as a god-like figure during his life but the Prismatic Cathedral was not remade in his image until after his passing.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of the Church of Protection read the religious text, known as The Pibble. This text outlines different doctines that followers abide by. Many of these sayings have been inscribed upon statues that decorate the paths and towns of Sabrandom. These tenants include:
1. The Protector and his descendants have the right to sheild us.
2. As long as his blood shields us, our foes remain at bay.
3. To protect and defend yourself is to then protect your siblings.
4. Protecting even just one soul is the path to victory.
5. Defense for all is peace for all.
6. Live as The Protector did for all that you hold dear.


Each day the church hosts gatherings for followers to attend to learn the practices of The Protector, but it is not mandated to attend. The Pibble leaves a lot to the interpretation of the reader: some find inspiration to become a better warrior or fighter to protect others; some turn closer to Eldath as a means of battling ailments to protect people; some do regular charity work; and some work on their patience to protect their peace of mind.


The Eternal Diviner is the name given to the high priest of the Church of Protection. Other priests devote their lives to practicing the faith and are in servitude to The Protector---and to others for their entire lives.

Granted Divine Powers

The Protector will bless The Eternal Diviner with his skill and power so that they are better able to understand his message and will. This can take many different forms depending on the person.

Political Influence & Intrigue

This is not an unpopular following, as it was widely accepted that King Smithe Aludin, already a notable name amongst warriors and diplomats could bring an end to such a fearsome threat. As his descendants live and rule Sabrandom, the majority of his followers reside within the kingdom as well. While some followers still practice outside of Sabrandom, it is rather rare since a doctrine of the faith is that The Protector's descendants are the rightful heirs to the throne---referencing Sabrandom. In recent years, the faith had been on a decline and the less devout casting aside their faith in the religion---and the monarchy---when the dragons returned. With that promise broken, their faith in many aspects crumbled. Since The Protector has returned and the fight against dragons looks more hopeful, support for his descendant, Queen Roslyn, and for him has blossomed once again.

Stand Ready for All You Hold Dear

Founding Date
Winter 4918 of Third Age
Religious, Organised Religion


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