Dwarf Hippo Species in Sephran | World Anvil
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Dwarf Hippo

This adorable, but rarely seen creature is a type of aquatic mammal. It's about the size of a small seal, has four limbs and a short, muscular tail. They have thick, smooth skin which is usually either black, dark silver, dark purple, dark blue, or a combination of these colors.   They live in relatively shallow waters and are fairly common. They're herbivores and their fairly large mouths, teeth, and wide tongue are ideal for eating lots of fruit at once and breaking off pieces of larger fruit.   They're nocturnal and rely on their sense of smell and sight to get around. They do have short, round ears, but their hearing is not very reliable. They have thin noses and small, round eyes. Their heads are large and wide in comparison to their bodies.   They make sounds ranging from very high pitched to very low pitched and have a wide range of sounds they make to indicate discoveries, dangers and otherwise communicate with each other.   These creatures are quite timid, but they're not very territorial. They mate once every 18 months and they mate with a select few partners for life.

Basic Information


They look just like normal hippos but are very, very small.

Biological Traits

Males are slightly heavier than females

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarf hippos produce sexually and will gestate for about two months after mating owing to their small size.

Growth Rate & Stages

Babies are about the size of raisins at birth, but will steadily grow until they reach adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

They live primarily near ponds where there is a lot of fruit and nuts, making nests out of soft, warm materials on the water's edge.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their favorite foods are fruit, legumes, and grains.

Biological Cycle

Dwarf hippos are nocturnal and sleep for about 16 hours a day.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarf hippos are mostly solitary creatures but may form large family units


Some people choose to keep dwarf hippos they find in their houses as pets.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live all throughout the Kininey Forest Expanse.

Average Intelligence

Dwarf hippos have the ability to recognize themselves in a reflection.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarf hippos have good vision and like bright lights

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

Females will sit in nests made by males. If they like a particular nest, they will add a piece of their own marked with their scent. After inspecting other males' nests, they will return to their favorite and begin courting the male before mating.
Scientific Name
Choeropsis amphibius
Conservation Status
Although they are rarely seen, studies have shown dwarf hippos to have quite a stable population.
Average Height
8 inches
Average Weight
2.6 lbs
Average Length
12 inches
Average Physique
Bulky, yet surprisingly fast. They are some of the densest animals on the planet.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark gray with light gray underbellies
Geographic Distribution

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Aug 16, 2022 08:43

The Courtship is a nice touch - First the male courting the female by building a nest, then the female courting the male once she dicided ^^
I Like it

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