Frahm (Fram)

Frahm is two regions under one rule, Each ruled by monarchy. The north is ruled by the king and the south ruled by the queen.   The south is mostly archipelagos with one large city whereas the north region is more developed with multiple cities. the two regions in the different areas of the world has forged strong alliances with other nations.



A land divided, and so goes the personality of the two. The north tends to be seen as hot-headed and loud due to their extremely outgoing personality, the common joke is that there is no personal space for a North Frahmer. The south has a very quiet and reserved nature. Neighbours will leave each other alone with only a mere nod of salutation if you’re lucky. This is likened to the old tale of how the two nations came into being.   The old king and queen of Frahm could not stand being together and their personalities clashed like their nation did as the Frahmers took sides of their monarchy. Eventually the queen cast out the king and told him to go north to their small colony. He left with his supporters and the nation divided in two. The monarchy would meet once every 2 years to try for a child, if it was a son, it would move to live with the father after 5 years, otherwise the daughters would stay with the mother in the south. After five children, the nations had their respective rulers, and royal family was divided but ruled together. With peace and quiet from the northerners, the southerners became timid over time and revelled in their newfound quietness.


The north has a very brash type of humour built on antagonization or picking out flaws, where as the south prefer to imitate and comment on observations they make. The two nations find the other’s humour intolerable and lacking wit. How the nation stays together is a mystery still. The north will have shows for people to showcase their humour for the king every season in order to get a commendation and reward. The south has famous newsboards where people can post their jokes about things they notice about their area or people they know. This is supposedly as the old queen’s daughters liked to pass notes in court about what they wanted to say without rousing suspicion.


The gods are prayed to each month, as there are twelve deities, each month has a patron deity that the month is dedicated to. An arrangement of the deity is made outside the palace, with a spectacular centerpiece commissioned by the queen or king in the center, with the locals asked to provide flowers or smaller items in praise of the deity.   The monarchy are greatly loved by their citizens, the king in the north tends to avoid the public unless there is a large event for him to attend. The queen in the south will often be seen attending the local markets and businesses to converse and get local wares. The people of the south have a great fondness for their queen.


The monarchy has it’s root with a king and queen. The king was from Norr, betrothed to the queen who came from the south, the original kingdom of Frahm. The king, a prince at the time, was promised by his father, the king, to the princess of Frahm to help unite the two nations and strengthen trade between the two regions, with an area of Norr becoming a part of the Frahm region. This worked in terms of the actual arrangement benefitting both regions tremendously, the infrastructure and trade boomed and the country advanced tenfold to catch up with the Norr kingdom.   Alas, the marriage was floundering. The two were too different, and when the queen took the throne first, the king’s personality and loyalty to Norr caused a wedge between the two. They knew they had to stay together and allow the region to grow. An advisor had brought the idea of the king staying in North Frahm to rule over that region more closely while the queen stayed in the Old Frahm to rule as her family had done for generations. Once the rules and decision making processes were finalized, the king took off after the birth of their first son.   The king and queen would travel once a year, for their anniversary, to the other monarch, with each one alternating every year. This would be to meet and discuss larger plans that are much easier in person. Although they were very different, they got on better since they weren’t in close contact. They bore 2 children, one prince and one princess in the next 10 years. The prince was to move in with his father when he was 5, and the princess would stay in the south and take over as queen eventually. This was fine for the first generation of the rulers, their children knew they could not marry as that was frowned upon. The parents had agreed that the after their children took over from them, they could marry who they wish, and a son of the king would inherit the title, and a daughter of the queen would take the title in the south.   This has lead to Frahm still remaining together, with the queen and king being married by tradition, but not in the traditional sense. Both regions keep in contact and continue to have great relationships with their neighbouring regions, making them a powerful region politically.   It is an exciting time for the region when the monarch passes away or concedes the throne to their child. Since the monarch makes a note in their will for who will take over, the region and the children themselves do not know who takes the throne. It has happened in the past that a chosen child can concede the throne to their sibling also, and in the very rare chance that there is no sibling, a child from the other region must step in. This isn’t a problem as the bloodline is still true, and all the children of the monarchs are schooled in the traditions and history of both regions should they have to represent or rule them.



The landing is when the monarch of the other region of Frahm arrives for their annual meeting with the residing monarch. The hosting region will adorn the city with the colours of the royal family, a rich lavender colour. As the residents are taught in school about the other region’s traditions and food, the locals will try to honour these and cook foods that the other region are used to in the markets and shops so that it seems like the other monarch didn’t leave their own land. This also gives the locals a change of culture for the week, and there is great excitement to celebrate as it only happens for the hosting region every two years.   After the week of royal councils, the updated laws are told to the country inhabitants through public speakers and message boards. In the south it is not uncommon to hear the queen giving them in person in the local taverns. The public are also given news on the other region and how they have been the last year as a whole. If the other region are in short supply of a resource, it is told to the public in case they wish to donate for the barges that travel between the two regions. The night after other monarch has left, towns and cities across the hosting region will start to take down the decorations while singing their royal song.



The regions have different local resources so the architecture is slightly different. In the north there is abundance of a matte pale stone named shorn that is used in the construction of buildings. The south uses their dark native stone, wittor, from the mountains for building, which has a slight glimmer in the light. There is little wood used in frahm construction as wood is generally reserved for furniture or floor beams, the natives try to not use trees as they want their forests to be thick with green.


Houses in the cities of North Frahm have slowly changed to match the practices from the south over time. Many of the old north houses do not stand anymore. The most common way to build is to make three layered houses with the floors being separated with stairs to access the different levels. This allows multiple families to live in an abode. Most houses will have a door leading to the joining houses, to encourage visit and fostering a good relationship with the neighbour, this was suggested by the North Frahm rulers who try to get the South Frahmers to come out of their shells. When two rulers rule, compromises are made.


The southerners incorporated the northern idea of shelters under the stairs of house abodes exterior that are sheltered from wind and cold should someone find themselves without a roof over their head. This can be someone who has drunk too much, or people down on their luck. The northerners are more compassionate than their southern counterparts and this has slowly been adopted by South Frahm despite being less of a problem as the laws and help are better for locals.


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