Norr (Norr)

One would think Norr is like their sister cold region Sudarn, but Norr is more similar to the neighbouring Wistym, the region has large cities in the south that are as white as the snow that litters the ground year-round. The north has the natives that live in small communities on the ice, who come to the cities to sell the wares and items they have caught or created from natural resources on and under the ice.




The Norn people are divided culturally. The natives live on the ice to the north, similar to the Sudarners, but most of the residents live in developed areas to the south of the region, formerly old colonies that travelled from Wistym. These areas havent completely encroached on the northern native areas, mostly due to the resistance to life in the cold. Many native settlements in the south were wiped out when the Wistymians of old travelled here. Poor attempts at rebuilding or supporting the natives have been attempted over generations but the lack of support for these people have caused animosity towards the former colonizers.   Life for the natives is not easy, they have mastered how to live on the ice and how to navigate it, but resources are dwindling. As the numbers have thinned over generations, they fear for their traditions that tied them to this land for ages. They have started to travel more south to the cities to teach and educate about them and what has happened to their people. Initially there was friction but the people of Norr are slowly coming around.


The harder ice makes it near impossible for ships to travel through which has made this part of world stable to live on. The natives will use fur, wood, and bone to create shelter to protect them from the cold. The families tend to hunt for food together, for meat and fat that can be used to burn on fires. The family is the unit, without it, it is near impossible to survive. Most families live in communities, that have semi-permanent locations. communities will move if predators are too close, or the ice may lose it’s stability.


The Norrn cities are similar to their neighbouring counterparts in Wistym. There is a less affluent life in the Norrn cities, with less focus on businesses and more on manual trade. Norrn cities are hubs for the creative type. Art and design is a huge industry with architecture being a massive feature and emphasis of the cities. The focus on creating or doing with your hands was the main reason why the old families moved from Wistym.   The focus on physical work also lends into why Norr has a strong military presence, the Derrus and non-gifted are used to working their bodies. This has lead to the aesthetic of the norrn army being a sight to behold in contrast to the simpler Wistymian military garb.


The Norrn monarchy has been in effect since the country began, around 5 generations before The Mother was discovered. The royal family is related to the Wistymian royal family loosely. It was a royal offspring that was not destined to rule the throne that went with the people who wanted to colonize the region, sparking dissent between the family. This holds true to the conflict and tension between the monarchies still, in part due to the successful nature of the arts and trade in the region, a lacking industry in Wistym.   Although the royal family is held in high regard, it is not uncommon to hear the creatives see through the validity or necessity for a monarch, most will believe that it’s more of a figure-head position. The treatment to the natives by the royal family over time has been a current heated topic amongst the younger citizens, wishing to support them.   In the native communities, there are elders similar to the Sudarn villages. The oldest family members in the community convene regularly to discuss community matters and matters regarding their families. The elders relay information then to the families regarding to reports of predators, whether they need to move the community, or whether members will go to the cities down south.


The military of Norr has a similar structure to Wistym. There are offensive and defensive units. The difference is that Norr prides itself first on aesthetic, even on the battlefront. The weapons the units create, and their armour are works of art. The military represents the ability and creativity of it’s residents.   Low-level recruits are slingers, firing small projectiles at intense speed. The slingers fashion their kilnmetal into intricate arms that suspend the projectile used, wood or stone, in an ornate clasp. The metal retracts to fire the projectile at lightning speed towards the sky.   The second lowest level are the polens. These fashion long narrow blades that can pierce through armour and flesh with ease. as long as the tip is sharp, the actual pole can be intricate and most recruits are encouraged to show off and intimidate the enemy.   Medium units usually go onto either being defensive or offensive units. The Norrn defense is unique in that it relies on intricate formations that are impenetrable. Each individual in the unit will attach their kilnmetal and weave shields, creating entire walls of stunning kilnmetal.   The offensive units use mobility to sweep through enemies, using kilnmetal to propel their feet, launching them up or forward with great speed. Units tend to favour the legs, using kilnmetal to create blades on the feet that be coupled with acrobatics to devastate. the contrast between the heavy hitting style of Wistym and the nimble, graceful style of Norr was always a note in the battles of old.



Norr uses white stone in almost everything. The cities are beautiful, pristine landscapes that almost blind when the sun is out. There is not much wood used in Norr since the rock is in such plentiful supply. Being close to Estor, the Estorian gems tend to make their way into buildings and signs. It is often commented that the cities are as bright as the snow in the north. Since there are so many talented builders, everything is usually handmade in Norr.   Natives use everything from animals that are hunted or found. Usually bones and skin from the giant marine animal native to the seas, the Lakha. Waste is an insult to the animals and to the deities.


The cramped nature of Wistymian cities did not travel to Norr. Cities are marked out to be larger to accomodate green areas and housing areas amongst the larger buildings. There is a big effort to make the cities live with nature rather than replace. Houses tend to be multilevel with outside stairs to the different levels, these are adorned with hanging plants to contrast against the white brick. The former slums have been updated in the last few generations to assimilate better to the upperclass areas. These areas have smaller homes and better amenities now as the former poverty is not much of an issue anymore.   The natives have tents constructed with bone for frames, with stretched fur and skin from animals to line the outside. This is also used for clothes to protect from the cold. The bottom of the tent is lined with fur so the ice is not felt as strong.



In the height of summer, the artists from all over the world come to Norr’s capital of Forrm . The city has a showcase of the local artists work throughout the year with the ability to purchase select pieces to fund the artists work for the following year. Small hubs are in many of the green areas that artists can host talks and trainings, the art of the city is improved when people learn many different techniques.   There is also a grand parade that showcases the art and moving sculpture the artists have made. This is very popular with the children as the dancers adorn themselves with beautiful garments and headgears. There are also some Ferrus performers who wow the crowds with displays of immense control and creativity.


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