Wistym (Viss-tim)

Wistym, the nation of cities and agriculture. Wistym is the major nation in the world that has made the most leaps in advancement since the kilns were discovered. the cities are spectacular in design, and with the largest military presence to boot, wistym has the most talented offensive and defensive ferrus in their army. inbetween each large city are vast farmlands with the largest produce in the world.



The Wistymians are very different depending on where you are in the region. There are heavily urbanised areas in and near cities that are very much oriented around how you are and what you do. In contrast to this, the vast farmlands in between have a much slower pace of life. The farmers work all day to produce crops so the cityfolk can eat and worry about what they will wear the following day.   Although farming has been transformed since the introduction of the kilns, it still requires a lot of skill to cultivate the lands and keep up with the demand. The farmers value a simple life and are easygoing folk, welcoming to others that visit them. The cityfolk in Wistym are renown for being rude and judgemental, obviously not all of them are bad but “focusing on the outward distracts from developing the inward” as the farmers say. Out in the farmlands, it is very much shop local and support the local community, this is lost to the cityfolk who want things quick and cheap, and tend to go for large shops run by businesses.


The farmlands in Wistym are some of the most fertile lands in the world due to the rainfall and sunshine that alternate regularly. Most farms specialize in certain ground native vegetables. The soil is tilled in leagues, some fields take hours to walk through. There is much work to be found, so getting help to work the land isn’t hard. Most are local to the farm areas, some are travelling hands that offer their services. The larger fields put the Wistymian military to shame with their operations.   Once cultivated, a portion of the vegetables are sold locally, or given to workers and the majority sold to merchants who stock the shops of the cities. The vegetables from Wistym are much larger than the same breeds across the world, sometimes three times as large. Fruits are grown more towards the south where its warmer, depending on the area, it could be bushfruit or treefruit. These regions tend to mostly produce fruit in sunna whereas the vegetables can produce from plantry to mulchin.


The cities in Wwistym are a bustling scene, filled with large terraced cities with large buildings. The resources there are plenty, with a lot of the citizens working in jobs relating to the cities, from administration to building to creative fields. High society tends to not be associated with manual work, instead finding money to invest in projects as a past time. The Wistym capital of Prastyl is the home of the veilum faith, most citizens will try to use the gift to dress to impress or get gifted to make intricate garments for them. It is not uncommon to see Fractyr supporters in Wistym cities, with Ferrus’ handwork at the foundation of the cities, it is a beacon to those who oppose the kilns.


Although there is a king who is the monarch of the region, the high council rules the country. Not much is known how the council is chosen but they usually represent facets of the region, from farming, to military to commerce. The council governs issues that arise and the initiatives each year for the country. These initiatives have proved fruitful for the region as the whole region advances at the same time, no matter where.   Although the people respect the king, they are mildly wary od the council. It is not unheard of to hear stories of people who stepped out of line to disappear. Sometimes the council members elected have no experience with the industry they represent, which has sewn the seeds of mistrust in the region. The citizens keep their opinions about the council a private affair, never sure if someone is listening. But with the fast speed of life in the cities, many do not have the time to worry, which is all too convenient.


The military of Wistym, the one of three major forces in the world. The others being the Norrn army and the fleets of Aguorn. The Wistym military excelled at training Ferrus to be soldiers whose offensive skills were world-class. Before the Kilns, Wistym relief heavily on metal swords, but due to the kilnmetal’s aversion to natural metals, these were melted down and repurposed for farming tools.   The soldiers are broken into categories depending on their abilities. Low level will earn a Ferrus the rank of lobber. These Ferrus are trained how to use the kilnmetal to dig into earth or attach to other items and lob them at attackers. Although an entry rank in the military, a row or two of lobbers can definitely turn the tide should the rain items on an enemy faction.   A ferrus that has good control of their kilnmetal can divide into two paths in the military, defense and offense. Defense tends to be at the front of the military lines, small formations at the sides and centre to prevent flanking attackers. These Ferrus use their kiln metal to create intricate armours and shields to protect with. This used to be all the protection used but in older wars, Norr had used sneaky tactics and used offensive tools that were wood with organic metal tips that passed through the kilnmetal, utilizing it’s evasion to organic metals, this had wiped out most of the defense in one fell swoop. The Wistymian military learned quickly that there should be some organic material in the shields and armours, so small stones or woven fabrics are also used.   The Wistymian offensive military branches use kilnmetal to create ornate and deadly weapons. Althought there are standard formations used, certain individuals with great talent may double-wield or create shapes that are unique. It is not uncommon to see Ferrus who grew up in the Wistymian farmlands using giant sickles, the curved blades being able to slice through crops, and more importantly - enemy flesh with ease. Some braver offensive units will be flung by a lobber to crash through the enemy defense. Offensive units can also use the kilnmetal to make armour that is made to hurt, with arm appendages that are the actual weapon they wield. The Wistymian military have been accused in the past for making units with low control over use when running into the oncoming enemies, using the dangerouse explosion of becoming kint as a method of attack.   Although military service is required for 2 years once a person comes of age, it is then optional to stay or leave. the benefits are good for those who come from farmlands, but most from the cities will try to leave as soon as they can, or find a way to get pardoned.



Wistym’s western quarries supply the majority of the rock used in construction. This rock is porous, with a slight shine in the sunlight, it’s normally grey colour, flickers with white. The rock’s porosity tends to wear over time so it is common to be replaced or reinforced with muds.   The south has forests of vanys trees that bear a light wood that contrasts with the red flowers. These are used in many lumberyards across the region, a high demand in the cities, the wood is used for even the smallest job. The farmers tend to make more use of the wood and repurpose it or recycle where needed.   Wistym tends to import dried mud from different regions to use to seal rock, and is in high demand. The shifting markets and availability tends to make the buildings in wistymian cities a cacophony of different colour muds that have become the outer face of the building.


There’s not much room for houses in the cities, they tend to be over businesses or piled together on the outskirts. The inner city has some districts for the wealthier residents, who may have entire buildings to themselves. Living for the working folk tends to be crammed living, with only the bare essentials being covered.   Although farmers’ lives are harder than the cityfolk, their houses tend to be a lot nicer, since they build them themselves. Using found and recycled wood, they build homes that are easier to build and upkeep with large land around. Funnily, the dream of many cityfolk is to escape to the country but they would not trade their lives to work the land.



The fundday is a day where businesses allow portions of ownership to be sold or bought back for money. This allows people to invest in businesses to hopefully gain some returns depending on the price of the ownership-rite. The day before, the royal treasurer publishes his report on the businesses in the cities and the worth they have. This can either be a great boon or loss depending on how the need and output the businesses have had.   The city is a chaotic hive on fundday as people try to rush to businesses to buy or sell their ownerships to other peoples or back to the businesses they have invested in. It is hard to predict the pattern, but some people have cracked the code, either by intelligence or maybe shadier methods. People can also use third parties to deal with buying in other cities, which allows a secondary market to operate in the region.


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