Yeodr (Yo-dr)

Yeodr’s mountain range at the south keeps the cold at bay. towards the north, the heat is much more tropical. Large forests and beautiful beaches litter the region and boasts diverse flora and fauna. the region is well known for their suspended cities among the enormous trees, safe from the sun, and the predators below.



The personality of the the Yeodrans depends on the region you come from, most are relaxed as life in the most temperate place would be, but the further north towards Brinden you do, there is definitely a deep anger towards Wistym. Life among the trees is simple, and most people think more about the day after than long term. If you take it one day at a time, you are doing the yeodran way of life.   The Yeodrans put a large emphasis on remaining flexible and strong, as life in Yeodr revolves around climbing the trees. If you can climb the trees you are able to contribute to the community. If you cannot climb a tree, then you are given the choice to remain in the treetops and never go to the ground, or you can wander into the forests and see what fate takes you, some make their way to Brinden.   This may seem harsh to outsiders but this has been the way for generations. Usually done by elderly who see themselves as a burden, younger people will stay in the treetops and help the community. The Yeodrans rely on strong familial units, there is always something to do when living in the canopies, whether its repair, or defending from predatory fauna. This is how the yeodrans value reliability above all else.



Pikes are small pieces of hardened sap from the trees that are used as decorative piercings in adults. Forms are made from carved wood and the sap is mixed with fibers of leaves, creating a strong material that will not snap. These are generally placed on the head or torso, with the shape telling a story of what the person believes in. Symbolism is important in Yeodr so having a pike similar to a claw of a fragal means the individual is a strong hunter.   Some pike mixture can be mixed with substances to chance the colour from the clear sap. when a young adult is getting their first pike, it is generally done by an elder in the family. Some families have unique pikes that are the first to be given. Chewing on the leaves of the simbaq tree provides a mild pain relief, so that the piercing can be done with minimum discomfort.   If a piece is comprised of multiple parts, the main part is added, while others are then joined with a small heated rock so the the pike melts and reforms, allowing some to create beautiful ornaments on the head. As time has gone on, some gifted yeodrans use their metal instead of sap. it’s easier to control the shape and over time the ferrus will not need to concentrate to keep it active.


When the last person in a home passes on, it is customary to perform a felling. This is when the home is dismantled and reused elswhere in the canopy, and the tree is struck down. This has allowed entire towns to grow and decline, with some towns having slowly expanded their borders as felling has happened. Since the trees that make up the forests keep their distance from each other for natural competition, the houses always have some distance between each other. Walking through Yeodr, you will know where a house has stood and the last of the family has passed where a stump lies.   The stump is different that a natural caused one. It is cut to be ornate, bearing the family sigil and name of the person who passed. once the tree has fallen this is done and it allows detailed work as the stump is usually the height of an average adult, since the cut to the tree is higher than normal so that the place is easier to pick out from the rest of the trees..



The Yeodrans don’t require much in regards materials for houses as they are situated in the trees. Wood is scavenged for walls, but most of the sourcing is for vines and moss. The vines that hang from the trees is extremely flexible but durable, allowing the suspension of walkways between buildings and fastenings to be extremely solid. The moss from the brush underneath is used to help insulate the walls, providing camoflage, warmth for cooler nights, and an effective humidity barrier for the structures.   Fibres from leaves are used for furniture and finer bindings, this is usually woven into intricate patterns for decorative purposes, making the suspended walkways a work of art.


Houses in Yeodr are circular and wrap around a tree trunk, high in the canopy. they are supported by multiple vines and connect to other structures in the village by vine and fiber bridges, with some wood for stepping ledges. This is why the cities in Yeodr are known as hanging cities. Most houses will have a climbable vine to the top of the tree where a lookout usually is, this is an old tradition to see if a fire has started in their forests, and how they knew about the eventual fate of Brinden ages ago.


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