
Yore is the only religion predating the kilns, they believe the kilns are a gift from the gods, to help those in time of need. They believe in cooperation of those with the gift of kilnmetal and those without, that you are not defined by your gift but what you do for society.   They have some history of the world before the kilns, albeit little. They actively try to understand the kilns purpose and workings rather than usage of the gifts they bestow. They believe the information known of the kilns is a fraction of what they truly are and can do. Followers of Yore tend to be the curious, the seekers of knowledge or those who have long family histories of following the religion. Yore libraries will store relics, artifacts, and written texts on world and local history.   The leader of the Yore faith, is known as the archival. This person oversees the documentation and processing of new information found across the world by researchers, and to assign scholars to investigate new kilns or objects/events of intrigue. The archival tends to be elderly scholars with vast amounts of experience to help guide those under them. As one would imagine, the election of the archival is based partly on peer-voting but also the weight of their contributions to the faith in terms of research and documentation.
Religious, Organised Religion


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