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"Pakanga is war. Pakanga IS war. Pakanga is WAR." - General Isadore Kieryluk   Pakanga is the God of War in the Human Pantheon of gods. He is one of the older gods in the pantheon, having been around so long, there is no 'when' to his ascension, but there is a 'where.' Pakanga used to fill the ranks of any ordinary army, on a vastly different iteration of Seratoth. It is unknown how different, but we do know the circumstances.  

The War of Above

The War of Above is nowadays an ancient myth, and the specific details, are unremembered by everyone, save the most studious. The War of Above is the title given to a series of conflicts involving divine entities, and mortal ones. Mortals felt as though their prayers were no longer being heeded by the gods, and were scared of being forgotten and discarded. The gods felt as though the mortals were too dependent on them, and that they needed to forge their paths, but the gods would be there to help them if they fell.   Pakanga was a young soldier in one of the mortal armies at a time during the war when it seemed things were going their worst. His battalion was beaten and battered, yet they pressed on. Brothers fell like mortar shells, and yet they pressed on. A final battle, at Pakanga's home city of Hoeluun was fated to be the day the tide of the war recessed.   The battalion fortified themselves at the gate. Pakanga was arranged at the back, muttering a quiet incantation of protection and strength to no one in particular. A ray of sun struck the group, frying almost all of them. Almost all of them. Pakanga emerged from the destruction and bloodshed, fury reborn. For every brother felled of his, he felled 10,000 men. Some say the Battle of Hoeluun lasted months, and Pakanga defended the city singlehandedly the entire time.   Upon the final defeat of the enemy army at Hoeluun, Pakanga fell to his knees, and collapsed, in abject exhaustion. Many thought him dead, and priests began preparing last rites and a festival in his honor, for his heroic defense of the city. However, when men were sent to retrieve him, they found him to be completely free of any puncture or bash wounds, as if he was completely unstruck during the entire stint. They also found a heavenly orange glow about his body, as if the sanctity of divinity swirled with the blood of the fallen. When they reached out to touch him, he woke up, vigor renewed, and traveled into the outer planes in a single bound. That would be the last time that anyone, at least in that iteration's lifetime, would see him.  

Current Seratoth

Pakanga is much more mature than he was when he was mortal and has taken a step back from the actual battlefield. This is still his home, as he will always believe that there is no better feeling than noble combat.   Most gods, though mortal at one point in the past, often forget where they came from and believe themselves to have always been gods. Pakanga is interesting in this sense since he does remember his mortal life. He remembers where he came from and he refuses to forget it. Oftentimes, he and the other gods will get into heated arguments about what would be trifling to gods, but everything to mortals.   People often forget that Pakanga does more than lead the blades and arrows of the military. He is not just the god of warfare, but of conflict as well. When people find themselves in turmoil with someone they love, or even themselves, they might pray to Pakanga to give them the wisdom to see it through. Some people carry reliquaries of Pakanga around so as to give themselves the peace of mind that they will find the strength to carry on in any hardship.

Divine Domains

Primary Domains
  1. War
  2. Death
  3. Order
Secondary Domains
  1. Art

Holy Books & Codes

The Art of War

The Art of War is a series of tomes that contains the culmination of all military tactics conceived. Many of these tomes overlap in terms of some information, but each tome is said to hold information unique to itself. This is how Pakanga ensures superior tactics among armies.   It is said that the original tome was Pakanga's journal at one point, which he would take notes in during his time in battlefield camps when he was still a mortal. When he ascended to godhood, he was allowed to bring with him the knowledge he would need to help guide the future of warfare. Although this is the case, many believe that the original tome is no longer on the mortal plane and lies in one of the outer planes, sitting under the close watch of something unbelievably powerful.   Unlike other gods, where priests and churches spread Pakanga's word, barracks are these churches, the soldiers, and his priests. Generals of major armies sometimes hold their copies of it. Often, they write their books, which become blessed by Pakanga, and are added to the ever-expanding library. A mercenary is desperate for a genuine copy of the book, so he may raise his armies and revolt against the kingdoms that oppress him.   Wars are fought over these tomes, though they often expand and are remembered as wars of much bigger causes, often a stolen Art of War can be traced to be the boiling point of an already much deeper conflict.   The contents of these books vary by volume. Many contain standard military tactics: encircling maneuvers, Fabian strategies, etc. Others, however, contain information on how an army should dress, or how they should behave in foreign lands. Some are focused on scorched earth tactics, and others rely on stealth and sabotage. Scholars debate on whether these "faux arts" are truly penned and blessed by Pakanga, due to their unscrupulous nature.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Uphold a code. Whether it be honorable or deceitful, uphold it, for, at the end of the day, it is all that will show what you are made of
  2. Be not a coward. Conflicts and wars infect all aspects of life. It is crucial to rise to those challenges and face them with resolve
  3. Never betray an ally. Fighting by yourself is fine, but fighting with a friend is better. Hold those close to you, and never seek to become above them
  4. Be fit. Your mind is great, but your body is greater. To be physically fit is to show immense pride in oneself, but keep your wit as sharp as your blade.


The Mortal Victory

The Mortal Victory, also known as Pakanga's Victory, is a weekend of celebration to commemorate the god's final victory when he was still a mortal. The festival traditionally takes place during the first weekend in September in many areas. Festivities include reenactments of the event, contests, like wrestling matches, powerlifting competitions, and even poetry slams. Foods are provided by whoever can cook and usually do it for little profit.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • War must continue. The way Pakanga sees it, that is the natural state of the world. His goal is to facilitate war so it does not have to be as destructive as it could be. He has seen the worst that wars have to offer.
  • Help ensure mortal/divine issues are resolved quickly and efficiently. He has made it clear to every other god in the pantheon that he does not want to join another war like he had fought before on the side of the mortals
Divine Classification
A deep, fiery red


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