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Champions of Erathiel

Alignment: Usually neutral, often neutral   Suggested Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer   Suggested Cleric Domains: Ambition, Forge, Light, Creation   Suggested Backgrounds: Clan Crafter, Entertainer, Engineer, Guild Artisan, Scientist   Most champions of Erathiel are eccentric and intelligent individuals who spend the majority of their time daydreaming and building towards what will one day become their masterpiece.  

Erathiel's Favor

  Erathiel is diligent and passionate for his work. Although it may not always seem like Erathiel is listening to his followers, they know that he cares for them just as much as he cares for all of his other creations. Champions of Erathiel, just like everything else, are initially planned, but then are allowed to act freely after their initial creation. Erathiel's absent approach to his champions leave some of his champions unrealized as they go about their lives completely unaware of their blessing. To Erathiel, this is not only accepted, but it is also satisfactory. However, champions who do realize their blessings devote themselves to the god of the arts, creation, and innovation as passionately as Erathiel devotes himself to his endless work; which Erathiel rewards greatly. Below, Erathiel's Favor Table offers a few suggestions to how Erathiel subtly or plainly announced you to be his champion of creation.  

Erathiel's Favor

d6 Circumstance
1 When you were born, you were briefly enveloped by a blindingly white light.
2 While working on a project, you witnessed something mundane that immediately solved a vital problem.
3 You consistently create high-quality objects compared to your peers.
4 One day, an angel of Erathiel visited you to inform you that you've been selected as one of his chosen champions.
5 You find yourself incredibly passionate for a specific art few others are engaged in.
6 Your mind races through a never-ending maze of ideas and thoughts so often that you find yourself ignoring your surroundings.

Devotion to Erathiel

  As a follower of Erathiel, your work is never finished. To create the most extravagant and most mind-boggling thing you can would still not quite satisfy your need to impress the world, yourself, or your god. Ultimately, the goal of every follower of Erathiel is to create their magnum opus, whatever that may be. Consider using the following ideals from the Erathiel's Ideals Table as alternatives to those available to you from your background.  

Erathiel's Ideals

d6 Ideal
1 Diligence. Every one of my creations improves my skill and my craft. (Neutral)
2 Aspiration. I'm going to make something that will be remembered until the end of time! (Any)
3 Creativity. This world is in need of new ideas and bold actions. (Chaotic)
4 Beauty. My art makes the world a better place. (Good)
5 Perfection. My work requires precise and accurate designs to achieve true greatness. (Lawful)
6 Power. The more my works are recognized, the more sway I hold over others. (Evil)

Earning and Losing Piety

  You increase your piety score with Erathiel when you expand the god's influence on the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:  
  • Creating something wondrous in Erathiel's name
  • Manufacturing something useful
  • Spreading your art to new souls
  Your piety score to Erathiel decreases if you diminish Erathiel's influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these:
  • Destroying another artist's work
  • Claiming another artist's work as your own
  • Suppressing the artwork of others
  • Creating something shoddy or flawed


  Piety 3+ Erathiel trait   You suddenly feel a strange warmth fill your soul. Erathiel smiles upon your creations and has given you a small gift. You may cast the spell wristpocket without concentration once per short rest.  


  Piety 10+ Erathiel trait   Although you can work on your own, it is always useful to have some assistants to help you with larger projects. Erathiel has his angels, so he understands that you would also need a little help too. You may cast the spell tiny servant targeting a number of objects equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) once per long rest.  


  Piety 25+ Erathiel trait   Sometimes there are places in the world you simply cannot reach by normal means, but you know you must be there to complete your work. Or perhaps you have some creatures blocking your workspace that you need to get rid of quickly. You may now cast the spell dimension door targeting a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) once per long rest.  


  Piety 50+ Erathiel trait   Erathiel can work anywhere at anytime with all of his tools at hand at all times, and so should you. You have proven yourself to Erathiel and he has rewarded you with a personal workspace within his realm. This workspace is a featureless and infinitely expanding empty zone. You may bring any objects you can carry with you into this workspace, but you cannot bring any other creatures with you into this workspace. The workspace can be accessed with a command word of your choosing. When entering the workspace, you can use an action to blink out of the mortal realm. You return in a similar fashion. Any objects within your workspace may be expelled from your workspace into the area where you originally entered the workspace within a 30 foot radius at will and as an action.  


  Piety 75+ Erathiel trait   Your devotion to Erathiel has left a peculiar glint in your eye others find captivating. While you remain a champion of Erathiel, you may increase your Charisma score by 2 and increase your Charisma score maximum by 2.  

Champion of Erathiel

  Piety 100+ Erathiel trait   To many, being this devoted to an absent god would be considered lunacy. Regardless, deep within yourself, you knew that you were never alone and that Erathiel has never truly left his creations behind. The power of creation is often considered too much for a mortal's ability to withstand. However, your soul has been emblazoned by the sign of Erathiel in the form of glowing white eyes and a spectral glowing sheen covering your body. As long as you maintain your love for Erathiel and his ideals, you may pass through objects as if you were in the Ethereal Plane and have a fly speed of 20 ft. Also, you may use an action to summon a Small or smaller object of your choosing within your hand once per long rest. This object does not need to exist within the world for it to be summoned, instead, it is spawned from your thoughts.


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