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Champions of Piros

Alignment: Usually chaotic, often good   Suggested Classes: Bard, Cleric, Monk, Ranger   Suggested Cleric Domains: Light, Peace, Tempest, Twilight   Suggested Backgrounds: Far Traveler, Folk Hero, Knight of the Order, Sailor   Most followers of Piros believe everything beneath the sky to be their home. However, if there existed a place within the sky, then that would be one of the holiest places in the world. They are travelers, adventurers, and nomads who do not seek a place to call home since they are already there, wherever they are. Should danger find them, they are negotiators first and inquisitors second. They are mostly relaxed and carefree, even in the face of such dangers, and they will protect their allies and the innocent from any harm that may come their way. Just as the sky once protected Serentheim from the interplanar invaders of the Dark Age.  

Piros's Favor

  In most circumstances, Piros hand selects his champions while they are at a young age by means of a sign. Otherwise, champions of Piros become recognized through feats worthy of Piros's name. Champions of Piros are often selected based on their positive attitudes and diligent individuality. Piros expects his champions to be calm and collected, especially in the face of nightmarish horrors, because it is ultimately their duty to keep Serentheim's peace where others fail to do so. The Piros's Favor Table offers suggestions for how Piros has selected you to be the bulwark of the mortal realm.  

Piros's Favor

d6 Circumstance
1 During a storm, a ray of sunlight illuminated you wherever you went.
2 The clouds often appeared as welcoming hand gestures.
3 A meteorite fell near your childhood home.
4 Creatures of the sky would often visit you and deliver gifts.
5 You were born under an unexplainable aurora or rainbow.
6 The sky briefly became an incandescent gold hue at the moment of your birth.

Devotion to Piros

Peace and serenity are the ultimate goals for those devoted to the god of freedom, the sky, and wind. In order to be free, one must learn to live without fear; like a bird flying through the sky. As a follower of Piros, consider using the ideals within the Piros's Ideals Table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.  

Piros's Ideals

d6 Ideal
1 Peace. An end to bloodshed would bring balance across the world. (Good)
2 Serenity. Like the empty sky, my state of being will inspire others to follow my example. (Any)
3 Freedom. I am unbound by the earthly expectations of others. (Chaotic)
4 Change. Everyday delivers new challenges. Every challenge is a test of my prowess. (Chaotic)
5 Protection. Any threat against the weak and innocent is a threat against all of our freedoms. (Good)
6 Purity. I shall banish the supernatural and the tainted from my home. (Any)

Earning and Losing Piety

    You increase your piety score with Piros when you expand the god's influence on the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Traveling long distances within a single day (20 miles or further)
  • Meditating beneath an open sky
  • Defeating and/or banishing an entity from another plane of existence
  • Acting as an intermediary for the people of Serentheim.
Your piety score to Piros decreases if you diminish Piros's influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these:
  • Remaining in a single location for longer than a week
  • Compromising with interplanar entities who threaten the sanctity of the mortal realm
  • Actively causing conflict between the people of Serentheim
  • Giving in to tempestuous emotions and acting on them

Air Bender

  Piety 3+ Piros trait   Your devotion to Piros has not gone unnoticed. Just as Piros shielded the world from the encroaching interplanar invaders, Piros now grants you a similar boon. You may cast the spell Gust of Wind once per long rest.  

Wind Walker

  Piety 10+ Piros trait   Piros bestows upon his more loyal followers the gift of flight. However, Piros would not desire to restrict this beautiful movement solely to his followers. You may cast the spell fly once per long rest and target a number of creatures equal to your Wisdom modifier.  


  Piety 25+ Piros trait   Nothing shall hold the champions of Piros for long! You may cast the spell freedom of movement once per short rest. Piros's freedom of movement also allows his champions to spend 30 feet of movement to pass through small openings such as keyholes up to their maximum movement speed. If you end your turn within a small opening, you will take 2d10 force damage as your physical form strains to return to its original shape.  

Global Traveler

  Piety 50+ Piros trait   Piros requires his most loyal champions to be present anywhere at a moment's notice. When you are exposed to Serentheim's sky, a ray of sunlight will careen from the peerless blue sky and envelope you and your party. Piros's champion and up to 10 other creatures may then be transported anywhere on the surface of Serentheim instantaneously.  


  Piety 75+ Piros trait   Your time under Piros's wings have allowed you to realize unparalleled agility. While you remain a champion of Piros, you may increase your Dexterity score by 2 and your Dexterity maximum may also increase by 2.  

Champion of Piros

  Piety 100+ Piros trait   Your continued devotion to Piros is something to celebrate. When tragedy strikes, when enemies surround you, when the world seems to encroach upon you, you escape it all without leaving anyone behind. The sign of Piros is emblazoned upon your soul in the form of the spectral, celestial wings of an angel and a golden spined crown above your head. As long as you maintain your love for Piros and his ideals, you gain a fly speed of 80 ft., fall damage is reduced by half, and you may dodge as a free action.


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