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Champions of Qaytha

Alignment: Usually lawful, often neutral   Suggested Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Ranger   Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Nature, Order, Unity   Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Hermit, Initiate, Outlander, Soldier, Urchin   Followers of Qaytha are normally deeply spiritual people, since their god shares the same world as they do. They tend to be open-minded and community-focused individuals.  Although they revere their spiritual and peaceful lifestyles, followers of Qaytha are aware of their place in the natural world as both predators and prey.  The Dark Age was a damning reminder that peace and harmony will not exclude them from the hunger of their enemies.  

Qaytha's Favor

  To be personally blessed by the Goddess of the Land and Harvest is to be invited to her personal domain (called Bounty) for all eternity.  This is a unique gift that is highly sought after even among the many who do not worship Qaytha, since Bounty is an expansive plane of existence claimed to be a true paradise absent of evil.  This is a gift the goddess does not present lightly.  Upon receiving Qaytha's Favor, you would have ascended the ranks of Jubixalia's sacred court as a Chosen of Qaytha.  With this title, you would have received specialized training for the class you prioritize with the established expectation that you would spread the word of Qaytha across the continent as an apostle.  The Qaytha's Favor Table below offers some suggestions for how Qaytha bestowed this precious gift upon you.  

Qaytha's Favor

d6 Circumstance
1 You were summoned into the presence of the Oracle by name.
2 Your land was inexplicably blessed with a bountiful harvest compared to others in your community.
3 A unique plant to your region only seems to be able to grow near your home.
4 Flowers sometimes appear to face toward you no matter where you go.
5 As a child, you became lost in the wilderness.  However, grasses parted for you and trees bent around you to protect and guide you home.
6 You felt safest among the canopy of a nearby forest where you easily found food and a place to stay away from home.

Devotion to Qaytha

  Qaytha asks only that her subjects treat one another as if their neighbors were their own family.  Qaytha expects this from her followers and that they provide for those without families themselves.  To achieve ultimate spiritual wellness and awakening, one must be willing to sacrifice all they have for the greater good of their community.  As a follower of Qaytha, consider using the following ideals from the Qaytha's Ideals Table in place of an ideal from your background.  

Qaytha's Ideals

d6 Ideal
1 Evangelism.  When all have accepted Qaytha as their true goddess, then the world may finally strive towards peace. (Any)
2 Community.  I strive to deepen the bonds of my family, companions, and neighbors. (Any)
3 Order.  Like a well-pruned tree, society thrives when everything is kept in good order. (Lawful)
4 Humility.  I put the needs of others above my own and strive to lead through service. (Any)
5 Nature.  The beauty of the natural world fills me with serenity. (Neutral)
6 Stewardship.  We must care for the natural world as it cares for us. (Good)

Earning and Losing Piety

  You increase your piety score with Qaytha when you expand the goddess's influence on the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:  
  • Turning a wild field into fertile cropland
  • Feeding those who are starving
  • Healing a sick or injured animal
  • Protecting the helpless from monsters
  You decrease your piety score with Qaytha if you diminish Qaytha's influence in the world, contradict her ideals, or make her look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these:  
  • Causing damage to a settlement's means for survival (razing farmland, destroying irrigation systems, releasing domesticated animals, etc.)
  • Killing an animal for any reason other than necessity
  • Overharvesting resources
  • Turning a blind eye to those in need


  Piety 3+ Qaytha trait   Muin are the initiates within Qaytha's Inner Court.  They have minimal experience serving Qaytha.  Your recognition as one of the Chosen of Qaytha is finally beginning to bear fruit.  As a bonus action, you can invoke Qaytha's protection; spectral plants rapidly erupt from the ground and cover you.  For up to 1 minute, these plants grant you +1 to your AC score.  Once you use this trait, you cannot use this trait again until you finish a long rest.  


  Piety 10+ Qaytha trait   As a gort, you have been blessed with the ability to understand plantlife.  Gorts are often summoned when crop yields are low or if a plant begins growing in a harmful manner to the community.  You may cast the spell speak with plants once per short rest.  When cast this way, the spell simultaneously charms plant life so that they are more willing to listen to you.  In addition to this, you may also cast the spell plant growth once per long rest using your Wisdom score as your spellcasting ability.  


  Piety 25+ Qaytha trait   Ngetals are the defensive peacekeepers of Qaytha's Inner Court.  Once per long rest and up to 1 minute, you adopt the humanoid form of the Worldtree.  Your skin appears barky and leaves sprout from your hair.  You gain 10 temporary hit points, make Constitution saving throws with advantage, make Dexterity and Wisdom-based attacks with advantage, and within a 15-foot radius from you, the ground is considered difficult terrain for your enemies.  


  Piety 50+ Qaytha trait   Straiffe serve as wild architects and negotiators.  They seek to intertwine the natural world with the civilized world, literally, to provide a more harmonious settlement.  As a straiffe, you are no longer affected by difficult terrain caused by plants.  Additionally, as an action, you can command plants within a 30 foot radius of you for up to 10 minutes.  For example, if you were to leap from a 3rd-floor window near a large tree, then the tree will offer one of its branches for you to climb onto in order to reach the ground safely.  These plants act within your best interests.  If you command these plants to attack, then they will briefly awaken to do so.  


  Piety 75+ Qaytha trait   Qaytha embraces you, steeling your vigor with the similar functions of the Worldtree.  Your veins and blood vessels become sturdier and your flesh hardens to permanently resemble bark.  Increase your Constitution score and your Constitution score maximum by 2.  

Champion of Qaytha

    Piety 100+ Qaytha trait   You have become a pillar of your community.  Without you, everyone would surely be lost and confused in this hostile world.  You provide your people with everything they could possibly need, but most of all, Qaytha is proud of you.  In a world where everything and everyone seems to be out to get you and your people, you stood by defiant against the monsters who would dare to reap what you've sown.  The mark of Qaytha is emblazoned upon your soul in the form of grand celestial antlers and roots which sprout from you and grow the longer you remain still.  As long as you maintain your devotion to Qaytha, you may live up to 3x your race's life expectancy, you gain +2 to your AC score as natural armor, advantage on Stealth (Dexterity) checks while hiding near plants, advantage on Nature (Intelligence) checks, immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and you cannot be pushed or pulled unless you allow yourself to be.


Author's Notes

Header Image: "Kinnaree" by SARYTH on DeviantArt |

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