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Jeralla, Goddess of Secrets and Horizons

The Enigmatic Jeralla skirts the edges of reality within the dreamscape of the mind; collecting all of the world's secrets. She guards these secrets of the world, yet she often shares them with a select few mortals of her choosing. In this way, she safeguards the many wonders of Serentheim while simultaneously allowing their discovery. Champions of Jeralla are normally those who seek knowledge in dangerous locations. Some champions can even predict the future.

Divine Domains

Travel, Knowledge, Trickery, Wealth

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open book with an eye hovering just above it.

Tenets of Faith

  • Secrecy. One must actively conceal whatever information one uncovers.
  • Discovery.  One must seek the truth of this world.
  • Surveillance.  One must monitor the activities of others and gather all pertinent information.


Old Year's Eve A holiday rumored to occur at the 13th hour between the passing year and the coming new year.  Many disregard this as a truly occurring holiday, however, there are those who know how to access this briefly elusive and perplexing time within the mortal realm.  Those who celebrate Old Year's Eve gather to discuss the events of the past year and theorize the events of the new year as a means to beseech the favor of Jeralla.  Those who are more accurate with their theories may benefit from the blessings of Jeralla as those theorized events come to pass.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

In The Formation, Jeralla was tasked to collect all of the knowledge in the multiverse and safeguard it from all whom pry. Jeralla keeps up her end of the bargain for the most part, but if a mortal proves themselves exceptional in her eyes, Jeralla has been known to be a giving god; for better or worse.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During The Sundering, Jeralla's power grew as more invasive forces learned of her existence. Deals were struck on all sides of the conflict, and Jeralla shared many secrets better left buried. This displeased Rheum most of all, and they did battle along the northern shores of present-day Baehcodge in their avatar forms. The outcome of the battle remains unknown, but since then, Jeralla had disappeared from the mortal realm and Rheum raged across the world. Signs of the battle persist to this day, but mysteriously, they never seem to be within reach.   It is still believed that Jeralla will contact those in the mortal realm through their dreams every now and again. Or, if the mortal was willing, they could contact her through their dreams on their own.
Divine Classification
Ascended Deity
Lawful Evil


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