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Nahlus, Goddess of the Sea and Storms

Nahlus is a Triton god who dresses herself in the sea itself. Legends describe massive towering waves to be the perceptible fringes of Nahlus's world-spanning dress. She was once a druid of storms who sailed across the seas to unknown lands where she discovered her ascendency. She is depicted as wearing a crown of coral and she has a pet fish that is as large as a small island named Guph. She can be testy and high-strung, but her care for the sea and her stunning beauty overshadows the darker side of her personality.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A spiraling seashell on a bed of coral.

Tenets of Faith

  • Be torrential, like a storm, in what you're passionate for.
  • Be jovial and merry when faced with hardships, no storm is permanent.
  • Be patient, yet unrelenting against your enemies; wear away your opponent, and in time, they will break.


Summer Solstice. Anytime when one travels by sea, a tribute must be made to Nahlus.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Nahlus's domain over the sea is that of a great guardian. She protects the wildlife of the sea and maintains its complex system. Nahlus wants a serene sea, and she will accept humanoids into her domain so long as they pay tribute to her. But her disdain for humanoids sometimes outweighs her duties as guardian, and she will set storms upon vessels even if they have followed her whims. However, normally this is because someone on the vessel insulted her in some way.
Divine Classification
Ascended Deity
Chaotic Good


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