FFM6: Words and Phrases Prose in Serris | World Anvil
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FFM6: Words and Phrases

Joker threw himself to the ground, cursing roundly. If he could remember his word, he could be terrible. No, he would be goddamn delightful to anyone within a ten mile radius. He would be able to get anyone to do something for a chance at a prize, even if the odds were stacked against them. He, the holder of both the Dice of Chance and the Cards of Fate, had the power to be fantastic.


That was, if he could remember the goddamn word.


Deceit was ignoring him, plucking weeds from the dirt and feeding them directly to a hybrid of sorts that sat beside her. Some sort of fire lynx with wings didn't take it's eyes off of him. As if Joker would be the next meal.




She ignored him.


"Deceit your overgrown cat is staring at me."


Discarded grasses were given to the hybrid. It did not look away from Joker.


"Deceit seriously that bag of fluff is staring at me, make it stop," He grumbled. He then rolled onto his back, spreading out his arms. Joker was bored; he needed something fun. Something that would make him remembered, and yet something that would trip up every drunk and stoned being from here to Buddy's Laundry Mat.


He paused, a thought occurring to him.


"Why does Buddy's Laundry Mat always have a large pool of drunks and Johns surrounding it?" He asked.


"It's a limital place, shares the same physical space as a bar, and a brothel." She responded.


She responded. Joker sat up, a grin claiming his face in an unusual way.


"What's my word?"


Deceit cursed in a language Joker didn't know. He frowned. He was a Godling. A Demi-God. How was there a language, a word he didn't know. He narrowed his eyes and stood up abruptly.


"I'm going to kill him." He spat.


"Play nice and don't destroy Etna's fine china." Deceit warned.


It only took Joker ten minutes to locate Newt, thanks to some fairly annoying moving walls. Joker did not understand why they just moved at random. It was like a maze.


Newt sipped from his teacup, entirely ignoring him.


"What did you do." Joker accused roughly.


"What?" Newt's expression did not change.


"You - You did something." Joker spat.


"I did nothing." Newt assured his fellow Godling.


"Sure." Joker agreed, and struck Newt square in the jaw. "And neither did I."


"Joker, sweetheart." Etna smiled at the pair, her eyes flashing dangerously. "What do you want?"


"I want my goddamn word back, and the languages I cannot seem to remember anymore!" His words were followed by a half dozen more curses in one language before he paused, growled, and started cursing in another language.


Etna's expression narrowed. "Newt?" Her voice was silky, but Newt wasn't swayed.


"I did nothing."


"Sure you didn't." Deceit verified, waltzing into the kitchen with a basket of fresh herbs. They were placed on the counter, and the sink turned on automatically as Deceit pulled off her dusty gloves. "Just like you don't-"


"Alright I give!" Newt surrendered quickly, panic clearly evident on his face. "Joker has his languages back, and he can bet again."


"OH MY LORDS, IT WAS BET." Joker screeched, his mood turning on a dime. "BET. SUCH A BEAUTIFUL WORD. TIME TO GO SHARE IT." He was gone before anyone could advise him against it, the door slamming behind him.

FFM6, 2018


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