Casacea Species in Setareh | World Anvil
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Casaea are sentient spheres that look a bit like crystal balls. They communicate by humming and changing color. They also have jellyfish-like tendrils that they can use to grab things or sting people. They reproduce asexually and the baby has some memories of the parent. Full grown ones have a radius of 9.5 inches (about the size of a basketball).   They live on the gas giant Sozoa, around which orbits the two moons Khini (a frozen moon inhabited by the Kananua ) and Nixum (geologically inactive, almost uninhabitable, like Earth's moon)
This species represents my first attempt to make a species that is completely inhuman in form. Feedback on the effectiveness is much appreciated.
Average Height
0.25 meters
Average Weight
1.36 kg (without air)

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Mar 15, 2019 15:18

They're inhuman indeed! I'd like to know a lot more about their anatomy - how does their sentience work (a.k.a. do they have a brain and if not how do they process information)? How do they hum - are there specific vibrating organs, or do they vibrate their entire surface in such a way it gives off a hum? What about the colour changing - do they have different pigments to display, or do they perform chemical reactions giving off different coloured light for short times? How does the reproduction work - at which stage are the babies separated from the mother? How do they get energy (assuming there's not a lot of food on a gas giant)? Do they float or "swim" withsome control of direction? Are the tendrils prehensile and if so, how?   You've got the start of a really interesting species here, creating something that is really completely different from Earthly animals is always a challenge!

Mar 15, 2019 16:56 by Alex

Thanks for the questions! Didn't expect a comment on something this short XD. I'm gonna work on fleshing these guys out soon, don't worry! I will say they feed on some pretty odd helium and carbon dioxide.