Forfeti Species in Setareh | World Anvil
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Forfeti are a feline species native to Noctu. Once an aggressive predator of Lucians, the number of domesticated forfeti now far outweighs the wild population.

Basic Information


Fofeti are quadruped, feline creatures that have a very strong muscular structure. Their ears and head are a bit more rounded in shape then other felines. Their upper canines are very large and elongated, giving them more then a passing resemblance to the extinct Earth feline known as the saber-toothed tiger.

Ecology and Habitats

Forfeti are native to the Rhubei Mountains on Noctu, and prefer similarly mountainous areas where they can survey their surroundings and literally get the drop on their prey.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The diet of a forfeti consists almost completely of meat, as well as mountainous plants. Wild fofeti rely mostly on meat for food, but will eat plants if meat is scarce.

Additional Information


Fofeti were domesticated by Rubum Lucians around 3000 AKC. Domesticated Fofeti, also known as Darofeti, are shorter and stouter then their wild relatives. Their teeth and claws are also much less sharp, and their diet has heavily changed to become much more plant-based, with meat as only an occasional treat.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like most Nocten species, forfeti have excellent night vision. They also have excellent peripheral vision and a wider range of sight (about 200 degrees). They also have very acute hearing, able to estimate the location of a sound's origin with an error of about an inch per foot distance from the sound.
Scientific Name
Felis petram
10-12 years (wild), 10-16 years (domesticated)
Average Height
4 to 5 feet at the shoulder
Average Weight
200 lbs. on average
Average Length
6-7 ft. (without the tail)

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