3rd Body Art: Hellbent & Heavensent


Mortals are not able to safely exist in either the Holy or Unholy Multiverses as their very atomic nature them are poison to them. To overcome this hurdle, the spell 3rd Body Art: Hellbent & Heavensent can be employed. The spell allows a mage to alter their very being so that they can safely enter these places without other means. The power and abilities of these forms are translated from the Mage's Base form. This means that if a mage becomes a demonic being, they will only be as powerful as they originally were, but if they were born in the Unholy Multiverse.   While Mortals can only use Magic (Mana + Natural Energy), Asuras can use Black Magic (Mana + Darkness) and Devas can use Hallowed Magic (Mana + Light). Under normal circumstances, Black and Hallowed Magic and spells are not possible for a mortal to cast because both the Light and the Darkness are incompatible with the mortal being. Via this spell, mages can use both types of magic now as well as passively employing the Darkness and the Light when in their Base form.

Side/Secondary Effects

Some Holy/Unholy beings are not capable of existing in certain realms. Not only is it harder for a Dark being to exist in a Light Realm and vice versa, their power may be far too large on its own to fit in a mortal realm. This will severely limit where a mage can even use their Transformations at, if at all.


Mages who eat both a Zaqqum and a Ashvattha fruit will manifest a red-orange circular seal on their forehead.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford

Material Components
To perform the Hellbent part of this spell, a mage needs to first consume a Zaqqum Fruit from a Zaqqum Tree, a type of queer tree native to the Unholy Multiverse which Asuras consume on a regular basis, granting them immense power and abilities. Lesser, Greater, and Supreme Zaqqum Trees are found in the multiverse, with Lesser being the most common while only the most powerful Asuras covet a Supreme Zaqqum Tree. Zaqqum Fruit are purple-red and bear the face of a screaming person, incredibly hard and impossibly dark. Mortal mages who consume a Zaqqum Fruit need to undergo extreme fortification rituals to survive the process as the fruit is an entirely different classification of being from a different reality than a mortal mage. Improper preperation will result in death. While fruit from a Lesser or Greater tree behave as normal, mages who eat a fruit from a Supreme Tree will gain an exceptional amount of power when in their Hellbent Transformation.   A similar process is carried out for a Heavensent form, but the mage must eat a fruit from a Ashvattha Tree. When consuming such a fruit, it needs to be the same quality as the Zaqqum fruit or the imbalance will drown one out. If the Zaqqum was a Supreme fruit and the Ashvattha was not, then the Ashvattha will be drowned out and wasted.
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