Full Body Awareness

Full Body Awareness is a magaical art composed of three other magical sub-arts, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Body Arts, which each are collections of spells and techniques that, when used in tandem with each other, allow for far greater control and ability with just the physical aspects of the body.   The 1st Body Arts are the fundamental building blocks to manipulating the body via magic, primarily with turning the body from Solid, Liquid, and Gas, which can provide a mage with offensive and defensive options. Additionally the 1st Body Arts have a low commitment to use and low energy cost. The 2nd Body Art is more complex with the principle spell being Shapeshifting, to look like someone else. The 3rd Body Art is the highest form of complexity with the primary spell being one that allows Mages to transform into other beings.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford

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Articles under Full Body Awareness


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