The 36 Methods of the Heavenly Rectifiers

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford | The 36 Methods of the Heavenly Rectifiers sourced from Archive #43: The 72 and 36 Taoist Skills of the Lidai Shenxian Tongjian written by Jim R. McClanahan circa August 14th, 2023 on the Journey To The West Research site.


The 36 Rectifiers are a collection of 36 powerful and utility-rich spells which allows a mage to manipulate natural forces, elements, and cosmic principles to influence reality in powerful and often metaphysical ways. These spells involve altering the balance of the world—whether by controlling time, fate, elements, the heavens, or life and death—often transcending physical limitations and challenging the boundaries of what is considered possible in the natural order.
  1. Rectifier I – The power to manipulate probability. Users can manipulate probability, how likely an event is to occur, and or how likely it is that a proposition is true. They can decide how likely events happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. They can cause and prevent both good and bad luck, sudden deaths, natural disasters, and even apocalyptic events.
  2. Rectifier II – Disturbing the natural flow of the cosmos or a Realm (switching the sun and moon, reversing right and wrong, confusing black and white, etc.).
  3. Rectifier III – The user can perceive, shape, and manipulate destiny/Fate, allowing them to affect reality and events in various ways, both open, logical, possible, impossible, unimaginable, and hidden.
  4. Rectifier IV – Rewinding the day to raise the setting sun into the sky.
  5. Rectifier V – The user can sense, create, shape and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc.
  6. Rectifier VI – The user can generate earthquakes at will, being able to manipulate seismic energy and geological forces, enabling them to induce earthquakes of varying magnitudes.
  7. Rectifier VII – Flying on the mist and clouds.
  8. Rectifier VIII – Users can create, shape, and manipulate water, inorganic compounds with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to another. This involves water itself, ice in any form, sweat, blood, steam, water pressure, and other variations. More skilled and powerful users can use water-related weather such as blizzards and rainstorms and some are able to completely control the temperature of the water at will.
  9. Rectifier IX – Transforming into light, thus allowing one to travel 310.31 Leagues per cast.
  10. Rectifier X – Creating turbulent rapids and violent tsunamis.
  11. Rectifier XI – The user can alter or transform matter, power, energy, elements, objects, beings (animals, aliens, mythical beings, etc.), concepts etc. into anything else, either completely. partially, permanently or temporarily.
  12. Rectifier XII – Escaping a place or situation through any of the lower Mahābhūta Transformations.
  13. Rectifier XIII – A computational divination system used to foretell fate.
  14. Rectifier XIV – Users acquire impossible knowledge on future events through supernatural means.
  15. Rectifier XV – Users can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc.
  16. Rectifier XVI – The supernatural power to bring the dead back to life. The user can bring oneself and others back to life. While this power is similar to necromancy in that it raises the dead, resurrection is different in that it fully restores a creature's body, mind, and soul to full health.
  17. Rectifier XVII – Traveling the realms without leaving a trace or being tracked.
  18. Rectifier XVIII – Users possesses immortality, a state where one has eternal life and is undying. They never age, are completely self-sustaining, free from all bodily necessities and can survive virtually any kind of harm, remaining immune to all forms of decay. Any damage done to the user would either be regenerated or simply remain non-fatal. As a byproduct of having everlasting life, users may have an infinite reservoir of life energy that fuels the dynamic system of their immortality.
  19. Rectifier XIX – Extracting someone’s Yin or Yang energies or manipulating them.
  20. Rectifier XX – Users can create, shape and manipulate animals, multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. They can command, speak/understand, evolve/devolve, merge with, possess, shift into etc., with all forms of animal life. Weaker users can only influence their behavior, commanding them to do their bidding.
  21. Rectifier XXI – Mending the heavens and bathing in the sun. This spell purifies an area or being of any and all foreign powers and influence for a time.
  22. Rectifier XXII – The user can create, shape, and manipulate land, the solid surface of a planet that is not permanently submerged in water, and everything on/connected to it, including all the aspects of the land, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones.
  23. Rectifier XXIII – Turning stone into jewels with just a point of the finger.
  24. Rectifier XXIV – Users are able use a form of magic that is related and based on darkness and shadows. For example, one can use this magic to gain access to (esoteric/mystic/magical) shadow-related abilities (E.g. Shadow Manipulation) or to cast spells that require or are related to bones (E.g. an Astral Projection spell or Healing spell).
  25. Rectifier XXV – Users can manipulate age of living beings or objects, causing them to rot and decay by aging them forward, or regressing them by aging them backward. This can be used offensively to decay oncoming attacks to nothingness, turn opponents to dust, or enhancing one's own attributes by entering into their "Golden Age".
  26. Rectifier XXVI – The user can manipulate the size of anything and everything, from tiny to absolutely gigantic while retaining their physical proportions, some may be able to alter the target's density. Usually, strength and durability are proportional to the size assumed, but the target may gain increased abilities when growing or keep their normal ones when shrinking.
  27. Rectifier XXVII – Users can create, shape, and manipulate plants, mainly multicellular organisms, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers. The user can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.
  28. Rectifier XXVIII – Users can project or separate their awareness, consciousness, presence or spirit, alternatively known as their astral form, from their material bodies, allowing for perception, interaction and travel independent of mental or physical limitation. This state is usually achieved through entering a trance via lucid dreaming or deep meditation, with the user gaining access or influence over the mental and astral planes, as well as potentially other planes of existence, an effect which can extend far enough to allow the user to move and exist outside the limits of space and time using their astral form.
  29. Rectifier XXIX – The user can see x-rays, electromagnetic waves of high energy and very short wavelength, which are able to pass through many materials opaque to light. This can be used for medical purposes such as the detection of cancers, tumors, blackened lungs, etc. The skill of perceiving a specific location (i.e. artery) is given by partial reflection of the ray from each specific surface surveyed.
  30. Rectifier XXX – Users can freely generate, shape, and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. The user can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.
  31. Rectifier XXXI – Controlling divine, often wrathful beings to expel evil.
  32. Rectifier XXXII – Traveling deep within the water and earth unimpeded.
  33. Rectifier XXXIII – Users can create, shape, and manipulate air, the common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity, and possibly wind movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. It is an important factor in determining and controlling climate and weather, and the generational force of most ocean and freshwater waves. Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure, and includes breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, storms, and hurricanes.
  34. Rectifier XXXIV – Carry objects up to the most heavy (total body weight times 100,000) while in, above, or near water.
  35. Rectifier XXXV – The user is able to create golems: an artificially animated being created entirely from inanimate matter. This power can be used with anything so user can have an army of super powered creatures at anytime and anywhere. Note that the exact power each golem has depends on the element(s) they were created from.
  36. Rectifier XXXVI – An arcane ritual involving killing someone from afar by stealing their SOUL, attaching it to a straw effigy, and shooting it with an arrow.

Side/Secondary Effects

The 36 Rectifiers are meant to rectify or correct the natural order when it has been disturbed or changed. Thus, these spells are most effective and potent when used in this manner and are least effective when used to disturb the natural order. Additionally, when using these spells in a Realm or on a planet, the Mage may have to contend with the power and influence of the pre-existing nature spirits, such as bending the wind gods of a realm to their whim. Failure to do so will result in the spell failing.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford

Applied Restriction
The 36 Rectifiers need to be learned in their totality and mastered. Missing even 1 spell will cause the rest to not perform as expected.
  1. Spoiler Button Tabs created by STORMBRIL


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