Voyage, the 3rd Word of the Seven-Part Name Spell in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Voyage, the 3rd Word of the Seven-Part Name

The Seven Syllables of the Word Voyage

  1. The First Syllable, We all Walk on Paths but Few of Us Know Where They Lead: All who wander are not lost, but those who are lost will wander. You need to know which one you are.
  2. The Second Syllable, Be Not Bound by Chains or Realms: We are nomads, the wind is at our sides and the paths ahead branch out to Forever Horizons.
  3. The Third Syllable, Life Ends When we Cease to Learn and Grow: One must stay hungry for new lessons to always grow and change. Else we will die as we are.
  4. The Fourth Syllable, Take What You Can. Face What You Must. Leave The Rest: Clutter and overindulgence lead to excessive sin and stagnation. Take only what you need to move forward.
  5. The Fifth Syllable, All Life is Made up of a Series of Patterns Informed by Our Actions: The Paths of life are informed by the actions and inaction of others. Learn to read the patterns of people and the Paths will appear.
  6. The Sixth Syllable, Learn to See Patterns and Read People but Do Not Rely on Future-Sight: The Future is in constant motion and filled with literally infinite possibilities. You can read a Path that might take a certain turn in the future, but nothing is set in stone until it happens. Only a blind man or a fool relies on the future for victory.
  7. The Seventh Syllable, Become Aware: True awareness of not only yourself but your capabilities and your position within Yggdrasil.


The 3rd Word of the Seven-Part Name, voyage, allows a Learner of Names "To see all Paths and explore all Directions". In a more literal sense, it allows a Name Learner to see the paths of the cosmos that all events can move upon or through. These parts are not predetermined nor are they the "future" as one would normally reconcile that to be. To see the Paths is more akin to peering into the walks of life of other beings, to see where they have been, where they are, and where they could go.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Path to VictoryThe user is capable of choosing from a certain pathway of choices, a number which will ensure the highest likelihood of making them victorious in any kind of outcome. The user's power supplies them with whatever steps they need to take at the task they visualize; whether leading, governing, planning, combat, communicating, psychological manipulation, inventing, etc, or even flat-out environment control through the use of super-powered pawns. The user merely has to pick their conceptual desire and will find the series of steps required to attain their path to victory.
  • Transport Manipulation: The user can manipulate transport, or how something travels. With this power, one can manipulate how much distance they actually cover, the actual duration that passes, the direction the target goes, where the target starts, and where their destination is. Unlike Travel Manipulation, which deals with means of travel, this deals with actual travel and how it works.
  • Navigation Mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of navigation, which allows them to know where areas, people, and things are, the distance from where they are to another location, what routes can be taken, which direction the desired location is, etc. The user can create a mental map of an area to prevent getting lost, track others, quickly reach the exit, etc.
  • Hyper-Cosmic AwarenessThe user is aware of anything and everything on an omniversal scale, so much so that they can see beyond time and space, peering into distant worlds beyond their own, as well as dangers even the danger of which they present to their own world.
  • Future-Probability Cognition: The user can predict and connect the probabilities of events in the time stream that will and could happen in the future; both insignificant and major events making them able to intuitively perceive how time plays out. Once the user perceives the time stream playing out the user can manipulate any of the infinite potential outcomes creating other possible futures they can predict flawlessly and let come to pass.
  • Enhanced Craftsmanship: Users can flawlessly craft any item, such as forging the most potent weapons, the toughest armor, the most impressive structures, and the most powerful artifacts to sheer perfection. Some can even create with nothing but the material around them and on terse notice.


The manifestation of the Word Voyage is the Avatar ATSUS, Father of Travelers and Smith of the Heavens. Atsus is manifested as a bent-over mapmaker wandering the infinite branches of Yggdrasil, eager to complete his Impossible Map of Infinity. When a Name Learner has grasped the Word Voyage, they dawn a halo, the Crown of Wanderers, which bears a triangle containing three other triangles.
Related Deity/Higher Power

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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